البحوث المدرسية

" Example about a football player " David Bekham

" Example about a football player " David Bekham


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

إليكم في هذا الموضوع بحثاً باللغة الإنجليزية عن مثال للاعب كرة قدم " دافيد بيكام "
للتحميل إضغط على محتوى الملفات المرفقة

الملفات المرفقة
اسم الملف نوع الملف حجم الملف التحميل مرات التحميل
Example about a football player.doc‏  400.0 كيلوبايت المشاهدات 44

مادة اللغة الإنجليزية في التعليم المتوسط English middle school

Research about kareena kapoor

Research about kareena kapoor


ID card
Name: Kareena Kapoor

Nickname: Bebo
Born: 21/09/1980
Profession: Actress

Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Her first film: Refugee

Tell : 167 cm

Her life

*Kareena Kapoor was living in a beautiful home among family members is modest, her mother Babita Kapoor and father …….. And her sister actress Krishma Kapoor, where she was very related to her sister that became an actress like her.

*Kareena when she was ten years old started Krschma imitate her sister was trying to be an important figure … And went and put her wigs and lipsticks in her sister’s makeup room Krschma …
And everyone knew it will join the movies in the end

*She like the man Frank and humble and he dislike a man Who is lying and Opinion the man is the best Raj Kapoor her Grandfather.

*She best actress award for 2000 and 2022.
*Style Award for 2022
*Award success of each series in which the artist in2005

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رد: Research about kareena kapoor


السنة الثانية ثانوي 2AS

profile about lifestyles للسنة الثانية ثانوي

profile about lifestyles للسنة الثانية ثانوي


making a profile about lifestyles in algeria

Algeria,like any other country,has been a place where several cultures have existed.
In the past people ****d differently from the way they are living now.For instance,concerning clothing,men used to wear long clothes such as what is called "djellaba" and "guendoura".Their trousers used to be large.They used to wear many clothes at a time.Women used to wear long dresses and scarves.When going out for a walk,they used to wear white cloth known as "elhaik".
Concerning food,they used to feed on natural food like wheat,fresh vegetables,meat and fresh fruit.They used to bake bread at home.Their dishes,though they were simple,they were very tasteful.They also used to eat in groups.
For entertainment,they used they play many entertaining games such as "the caning game"which was played by two courageous man who fought using canes,and the winner was the one who could oblige the other one to drop the cane.There was also what was called "Elfishta" which was a shooting fire game.Horsemen riding their horses carrying guns make their horses run as fast as they could a long distance,then they shot fire in the air.
Nowadays,the Algerian people keep some of those traditions and they have changed others.
Concerning clothes,there has been a great difference between the two eras.Men,now,wear jeans,shirts,leather shoes,sneakers and jackets.Women wear shirts and skirts,jeans and coats.
For food,they eat a great number of kinds of food.Cooking has greatly developed and it has even been studied at schools.Sandwich,as a new food,has been introduced recently.
As it regards entertainment,they have plenty of manners to entertain.They can watch TV,go to the theatre,practise sport,watch matches,play matches,read books,go for a walk in the mountains,go to beaches and many other activities.
In the future,we don’t know how life will be.The Algerian people may **** as European people will **** since have got closer to them through television and internet.They may eat food which will completely be different from today’s food.Maybe,it will be prepared by a robot.They may discover other ways to entertain.