التحميل من الملفات المرفقة
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اختبارت محلولة في الاجتماعيات الرابعة 4 متوسط.rar | 138.3 كيلوبايت | المشاهدات 244 |
نحاول أن نوصل صوت العاطلين والعاطلات بحلول مقنعة نحن متأكدون أنها سصل للمسؤول الحريص على شباب وشابات الوطن الغالي .. إلى النقاش
القضا ع الفساد الأداري+التخطيط السليم+الأفضليه في التوظيف..
الوظائف عندنا متوفره وينقصنا بس حل المعادله..
والله يغنينا بحلاله عن حرامه..
اليكم احدث مقترحات شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2022 bem
مواضيع مقترحة بنسبة كبيرة والمهم مراجعتها
لللتحميل اضغط علي الرابط التالي
طريقة التحميل من الموقع
اول شيئ ننزل تحت الصفحة لاخر الصفحة نظغط علي كلمة GIT LINK
تم تاتيك صفحة اخري تكتب فيها الاحرف دي
تم ننزل اسفل الصفحة ونظغط علي كلمة create link
وفي الاخير يظهر الرابط لنظغط عليه ليبدا التحميل
Thank you …………………..
your welcom
شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا لك
شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا لك
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
هذه تمارين في اللغة الفرنسية مع حلولها للمستوى المتوسط
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Grammaire Progressive du Français Niveau Intermediare.pdf | 7.33 ميجابايت | المشاهدات 734 |
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Grammaire Progressive du Français – Intermediare – CORRIGES.pdf | 3.15 ميجابايت | المشاهدات 558 |
شكرا كلثومة على الموضوع المفيد…
ننتظر جديدك…
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لا شكر على واجب
نحن في الخدمة دائماً
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شكرااااااااا كتير
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مشكورةةةةةةةةةةةةةةة اختي
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بارك الله فيك الاخت ام كلثوم
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Grammaire Progressive du Français – Intermediare – CORRIGES.pdf | 3.15 ميجابايت | المشاهدات 558 |
merci pour ce travail
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Grammaire Progressive du Français Niveau Intermediare.pdf | 7.33 ميجابايت | المشاهدات 734 |
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Grammaire Progressive du Français – Intermediare – CORRIGES.pdf | 3.15 ميجابايت | المشاهدات 558 |
الاسئلة و الحلول الشهادات 2022-2008-2009-2010-2011 برابط واحد
و أدعولي انشاله في bem
أخوكم حمادة
شكرا على الملف الرائع واجمل ما فيه سهولة التحميل
موفقون بحول الله
بورك فيكم
شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا ااااااااااااااااااااا
thank you hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
مرسي بزاااااااااااااااف حمادة . . .
rabi ywafaaaaaaaa9 incha allah
الاسئلة و الحلول الشهادات 2022-2008-2009-2010-2011أولى ثانوي شعبة أداب
Level: 4AM. Time: 1hour.
Activity one: Add tag questions to the following sentences (5 pts)
It is very cheap, ……………?
They have studied at this school, …………?
You don’t speak Spanish, ……………?
This restaurant can sit thirty people, ……………?
She knows the recipe for pancakes, ……………..?
Activity two: cross out the silent letter.(02 pts)
Fork – know – wheat – light.
Activity three: complete the table. (04pts)
adjectives comparatives superlatives
Taller than
The most beautiful
Activity four: correct the verbs between brackets.(05 pts)
I already (to discuss) the project with my teacher.
Tony (to play) the violin now.
He sometimes (to swim) in the sea.
Assia Djebbar (to write) her first book in 1955.
Tomorrow, we (to have) mathematics test.
Activity five: -Complete the dialogue with questions.(04 pts)
A: What an impressive monument! ——————-?
B: It is the Eiffel Tower.
A: ————————–?
B: It is in Paris.
A: —————————-?
B: It is 320 metres high.
A: —————————-?
B: It is 116 years .
Good luck.
Activity one: Add tag questions to the following sentences (5 pts)
1- It is very cheap, .isn’t it?
2- They have studied at this school, haven’t they?
3- You don’t speak Spanish, do you?
4- This restaurant can sit thirty people, can’t it?
5- She knows the recipe for pancakes, doesn’t she?
Activity two: cross out the silent letter.(02 pts)
Fork – know – wheat – light.
Activity three: complete the table. (04pts)
adjectives comparatives superlatives
Heavy Taller than
Better than
More beautiful
Heavier than The tallest
The best
The most beautiful
The heaviest
Activity four: correct the verbs between brackets.(05 pts)
1) I have already discussed the project with my teacher.
2) Tony is playing the violin now.
3) He sometimes swims in the sea.
4) Assia Djebbar wrote her first book in 1955.
5) Tomorrow, we shall have mathematics test.
Activity five: -Complete the dialogue with questions.(04 pts)
A: What an impressive monument! What is it?
B: It is the Eiffel Tower.
A: where is it?
B: It is in Paris.
A: how high is it?
B: It is 320 metres high.
A: how old is it?
B: It is 116 years old.
************************************************** ************************************************** *************
و هذا فرض اخر:
A species of animal becomes extinct when every animal of its kind has died. Why animals become extinct is not always clear. Many scientists believe that a balance exists in nature, so that the establishment of a new species results in the loss or extinction of an existing species.
Most extinct animals died out because of changes in their food source, or the destruction of their habitat. Human beings have caused many animals to become extinct. Such activities as farming, hunting, and logging, or mere settlement by humans, contribute to extinctions. Today, the growth of urban areas and the pollution of the environment with pesticides and industrial wastes pose serious threats to many species.
During the last 200 years, more than 50 species of birds, over 75 species of mammals, and perhaps hundreds of other species have become extinct.
Section one: Reading comprehension. (05 pts)
A) Read the text and answer these questions. (03 pts)
1- How many paragraphs does the text include?
2- Is the extinction of some animals always clear?
3- Have humans caused animals to become extinct?
B) Lexis: (02 pts)
1- Find synonyms to the following words from the text:
May be = ………. Shelter = ……….
2-Find opposites to the following words from the text:
Less ***8800; …………. lived ***8800; …………….
Section two: Mastery of language. (06 pts)
Activity one: Add the right prefix to form the opposites of the words im- in- dis- ir- il)
1- Polite ***8800;———- 2- obey ***8800;———–
3-definite ***8800;———— 4- legal ***8800;—————
Activity two: Agree or disagree with the statements below using so and neither.
1-I can sing and dance. —————————-.
2- I don’t like pancakes. —————————.
3- I have bought a bicycle. ————————.
4-I like bananas and peaches. ———————–.
Activity three: Rewrite these sentences using: will be able, may, might, and won’t be able.
1- doctors/ make/ a medicine which helps man to live more than 200 years.
2- In the future/ each family/ have/ a computer at home.
Scientists/ to make/ a vaccine/ against cancer/ in the future.
Scientists / invent/ robot student/ to do your home work.
Section three: Written expression. (04 pts)
What can we do to protect animals which are in danger of extinction?
– write a short paragraph and give three rules using appropriate modals (must, mustn’t, have to……etc).
Good luck.
و هذا الحل
A) Read the text and answer these questions. (03 pts)
1- How many paragraphs does the text include?
*The text includes 3 paragraphs.
2- Is the extinction of some animals always clear?
* No it isn’t .
3- Have humans caused animals to become extinct?
* Yes , they have.
B) Lexis: (02 pts)
1- Find synonyms to the following words from the text:
May be = Perhaps Shelter = Habitat
2-Find opposites to the following words from the text:
Less ***8800; More lived ***8800; Died
Section two: Mastery of language. (06 pts)
Activity one: Add the right prefix to form the opposites of the words im- in- dis- ir- il)
1- Polite ***8800;Impolite 2- obey ***8800;Disobey
3-definite ***8800;Indefinite 4- legal ***8800;Illegal
Activity two: Agree or disagree with the statements below using so and neither.
1-I can sing and dance. So can I.
2- I don’t like pancakes. Neither do I.
3- I have bought a bicycle. So have I.
4-I like bananas and peaches. So do I.
Activity three: Rewrite these sentences using: will be able, may, might, and won’t be able.
1- Doctors/ make/ a medicine which helps man to live more than 200 years.
*Doctors won’t be able make a medicine which helps man to live more than 200 years.
2- In the future/ each family/ have/ a computer at home.
* In the future each family may have a computer at home.
3-Scientists / to make / a vaccine/ against cancer / in the future.
*Scientists will be able to make a vaccine against cancer in the future.
4-Scientists / invent/ robot student/ to do your home work.
* Scientists might invent robot student to do your home work.
************************************************** ************************************************** **************
و هذا فرض اخر
In the future, robots will perform more and more tasks for humans. This will have both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, while robots are doing the boring and dangerous jobs, human will devote more time to interesting pursuits. In this respect, robots will make life a lot easier for humans. On the other hand, the widespread use of robots will create a lot of future unemployment. There is a risk that robots will take on jobs that humans need in order to earn a living. And some robots could even become dangerous. I’m afraid that in the not-too-distant future robots will operate nuclear power stations! And before too long, robot will fight in wars. Although, on second thoughts, that will be better than humans killing each other.
Section one: Reading comprehension. (07 pts)
A) Read the text carefully then say if the following sentences are true or false. (05 pts)
1- Robots will help humans.
2- Robots cannot do boring and dangerous jobs.
3- They will make life easier for humans.
4- Robots will not have negative effects.
5- It will be good if robots fight in wars than humans.
B) Lexis: (02 pts)
-Find opposites to the following words from the text:
a) The past ***8800; b) More difficult ***8800; c) employment ***8800; d) worse than ***8800;
Section two: Mastery of language. (07 pts)
Activity one: find words in the text which contain the following four
vowel sounds: /u / , / u:/ , / ***330;/ , / ***230;/ (02 pts)
Activity two: Form nouns of jobs from these words by adding suffixes. (02 pts)
Library – paint – art – direct .
Activity three: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.(03 pts)
If she (catch) the next bus, she (be) at home before dinner.
We (not start) lunch until Dad (arrive) from work.
My father (buy) a car if he (have) enough money.
Section three: Written expression. (06 pts)
Robots are a great invention. List the things people will not have to do anymore thanks to these robots.
Are there only positive aspects in this invention?
Can you think of other fields in which robots are used?
Good luck.
و هذا الحل:
A) Read the text carefully then say if the following sentences are true or false. (05 pts)
1- Robots will help humans. true
2- Robots cannot do boring and dangerous jobs. false
3- They will make life easier for humans. true
4- Robots will not have negative effects. false
5- It will be good if robots fight in wars than humans. true
B) Lexis: (02 pts)
-Find opposites to the following words from the text:
a) The past ***8800;the future b) More difficult ***8800;easier c) employment ***8800;employment d) worse than ***8800;better than
Section two: Mastery of language. (07 pts)
Activity one: find words in the text which contain the following four
vowel sounds: /u / , / u:/ , / ***330;/ , / ***230;/ (02 pts)
/u / could / u:/ pursuits / ***330;/ robot / ***230;/ hand
Activity two: Form nouns of jobs from these words by adding suffixes. (02 pts)
Library – paint – art – direct .
library librarian, paint painter , art artist , direct director.
Activity three: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.(03 pts)
If she catches the next bus, she’ll be at home before dinner.
We won’t start lunch until Dad arrives from work.
My father will buy a car if he has enough money.
thank you very much
thank you for your trouble
you’r welcome
thank you very much
لدي سؤال يحيرني منذ سجلت بالمنتدى حيث رايت العديد من الاعضاء يضعون في تواقيعهم وتبقى لامية او شيئ كهذا
ما هي لامية؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
شكرا جزيلا
لامية _رحمها الله_ كانت عضوة جد مميزة في هذا المنتدى لكنها توفيت منذ اشهر
thank you so much
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
هذه تمارين في اللغة الفرنسية مع حلولها للمبتدئين
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ارجو التماين
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شكرا على المبادرة
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نحن في الخدمة دائماً
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Grammaire Progressive Du Français Avec 400 Exercices Niveau Débutant-Volume1.pdf | 899.1 كيلوبايت | المشاهدات 1131 |
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شكرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررر رررررراجزيلااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا ااااااااااااااااا
اسم الملف | نوع الملف | حجم الملف | التحميل | مرات التحميل |
Grammaire Progressive Du Français Avec 400 Exercices Niveau Débutant-Volume1.pdf | 899.1 كيلوبايت | المشاهدات 1131 |
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لا شكر على واجب
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Grammaire Progressive Du Français Avec 400 Exercices Niveau Débutant-Volume1.pdf | 899.1 كيلوبايت | المشاهدات 1131 |
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Grammaire Progressive Du Français Avec 400 Exercices Niveau Débutant-Volume1.pdf | 899.1 كيلوبايت | المشاهدات 1131 |
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مشكور على المرور الطيب
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Grammaire Progressive Du Français Avec 400 Exercices Niveau Débutant-Volume1.pdf | 899.1 كيلوبايت | المشاهدات 1131 |
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بارك الله فيك
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Grammaire Progressive Du Français Avec 400 Exercices Niveau Débutant-Volume1.pdf | 899.1 كيلوبايت | المشاهدات 1131 |
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يسرّني أن أقدّم لكم مواضيع شهادة التعليم المتوسط
(BEM 2022) مرفقة بالحلول، راجيا أن تعمّ الفائدة.
لتنزيل الملف و حفظه، إضغط على أحد الرّوابط الآتية :
***الرّابط الأوّل***
***الرّابط الثّاني***
***الرّابط الثّالث***
***الرّابط الرّابع***
***الرّابط الخامس***
اين هي الاسئلة
شكرا جزيلا لك
MERCIiii BCpp ^^
شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا على المتابرة
merci beucoup
مسائل على الاهتزازات والحركة التوافقية البسيطة
المسألة الأولى
بندول بسيط يتحرك حركة توافقية بسيطة حسب العلاقة Y=15 sin (6t) : حيث الازاحة بالسنتيمتر والزمن بالثانية أوجد مايلي اذا كانت كتلة الجسم هي 0.3Kg
ازاحة الجسم عند زمن قدره 25 ثانية وسرعته عند هذه الازاحة
طاقة حركته وطاقة وضعه وطاقته الكلية عند نفس الازاحة
أكبر سرعة ممكنة للبندول البسيط وأقصى عجلة
المسألة الثانية
كتلة معلقة بنابض ثابت هوك له 216N/m تتحرك الكتلة حركة توافقية بسيطة وتتغير ازاحتها حسب المعادلة التالية Y= 40 sin ( 12t
ازاحة الكتلة بعد زمن قدره 5s
سرعة الكتلة وعجلتها عند نفس الازاحة
طاقة الحركة وطاقة الوضع والطاقة الكلية عند نفس الازاحة
اقصى سرعة واقصى عجلة لها
بمقارنة المعادلتين
Y=A sin (w t)… …… …….. ……. Y=40sin(12 t)………………………..1
A=40 cm = 0.40 m ………………………………..w=12 rad/s……………….2
Y=40 sin ( 12×5)……………………Y=40 sin 60………………………..3
Y =40 x -0.3=-0.12m……………………………………… ………………….4
v=wAcos ( w t) ………………………………………….. ……………………….5
v=12x 0.40cos(12×5)………………………………. …………………………….6
v= -4.57m/s…………………………………………. …………………………………7
المسألة الثالثة
دخل شخص قلعة مرتفعة فوجد بندولا معلقا في سقفها ممتدا الى قرب أرضية القلعة وجلس يراقب حركة البندول فوجد أن الزمن الدوري لهذا البندول 12 ثانية واستخدم ذلك لحساب ارتفاع القلعة . فوجد أن ارتفاع القلعة يساوي ——– مترا
ثم سأل الشخص نفسه .
ماذا يكون الزمن الدوري لنفس البندول لو كان على سطح القمر مع علمه بأن النسبة بين عجلة الجاذبية على سطح القمر وعجلة الجاذبية على الأرض تساوي 0.16
اذا علمت أنت أن عجلة الجاذبية على الأرض = 9.8m/s2
فما اجابتك على هذا السؤال ؟
الزمن الدوري لنفس البندول على سطح القمر = 30 ثانية تقريبا