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تعلم اللغة الانجليزية

تعلم اللغة الانجليزية


إلى كل اعضاء المنتدى وإلى كل من يريد تعلم اللغة الانجليزية

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رد: تعلم اللغة الانجليزية


English Forum

حكم باللغة الانجليزية

حكم باللغة الانجليزية


اتمنه تعجبكم هل الحكم . . .

الصديق وقت الضيق
A friend in need is a friend indeed

معظم النار من مستصغر الشرر
A little neglect may breed great mischief

وعد الحر دين عليه
A promise is a debt that we must forget

على قدر فراشك مد رجلك

As a man makes his bed so must he lie

من تتبع عورات الناس تتبع الناس عورته
As you think of others others will think of you

لتقل خيرا أو لتصمت
Better be silent than speak ill

الأقربون أولى بالمعروف
Charity begins at home

عامل الناس كما تحب أن يعاملوك
Do as you would be done by

من شب على شئ شاب عليه
Habit ever remains

من طلب العلا سهر الليالي
No sweet without sweat

تحت السواهي دواهي
Still water runs deep

رأس الحكمة مخافة الله
The beginning of wisdom is the fear of god

الغايب عذره معه
The absent party is not faulty

العبرة بالأعمال وليست بالأقوال
Actions speak louder than words

يزيد الطين بلة
Add fuel to the fire

خاطب الناس على قدر عقولهم
Address people in the language they can understand

لا خاب من استشار
Advice is ever in want

كل شدة وتهون،الصبر مفتاح الفرج
After black clouds, clear weather

من شبّ على شيء شاب عليه
Always has been, always will be

وفسّر الماء بعد الجهد بالماء
After great effort, he explained that water is water

الطيور على أشكالها تقع
Birds of feather flock together

هذا الشبل من ذاك الأسد
A chip of the old block

الأقربون أولى بالمعروف
Charity begins at home

عامل الناس كا تحب أن يعاملوك
Do as you would be done

الصلح سيد الأحكام
Conciliation is the matter of the law

الباب ذو الصرير يعيش طويلاً
A creaking gate hangs long

اعمل خير والقه في البحر

Do good and cast it into the sea

ما يأتي بسهولة يذهب بسهولة،ما لا تجلبه الرياح تأخذه الزوابع

Easy come, easy go

الغاية تبرر الوسيلة

The end justifies the means

لكل جواد كبوة

Every tide has its ebb

إنما العبرة بالنهاية

It is the end that counts

كل ابن آدم خطاّء

To err is human

رب ضرة نافعة

Every cloud has a silver lining

لا تلقوا بأيديكم إلى التهلكة

Don’t put your head in the lions mouth

رمية من غير رامي

A flash in the pan

لا نتيجة بدون ألم،لا حلاوة بدون نار

No gains without pains

اطلبوا العلم من المهد إلى اللحد

Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave

إذا هبّت رياحك فاغتنمها

Make hay while the sun shines

إضرب الحديد حامياً لانفع منه إذا برد

Strike while the iron is hot

إن أردت أن تطاع فسل ما يستطاع

If you wish to be obeyed don’t ask the impossible

إنّ الطيور على أشكالها تقع

Birds of a feather flock together

إنّ بَعد العسر يسرا

After the storm comes sunshine

اتّق شرّ من أحسنت إليه

Beware the man who has received charity from you

استجار من الرمضاء بالنار

To jump out of the frying pan into the fire

الأعمال خير من الأقوال

Acts speak louder than words

الأمور بخواتمها

All is well that ends well

عصفور في اليد يساوي أثنين على الشجرة

A bird in the hand is worth owo in the bush

يعرف الطير من تغريده والرجل من كلامه

A bird is known by its note and a man by his talk

ئأن الطيور على اشمالها تقعئ

Birds of a feather flock together

ئنحن في التفكير والله في التدبيرئ

Man propose and god disposes.

ئالأمثال زينة الكلامئ

Proverbs are the adornment of speech

ئسلم خادع شر من حرب مكشوفةئ

A deceitful peace is more harmful than open war.

ئأذا عرف الداء سهل الدواءئ

A disease known is half cured.

ئالغريق يتعلق بحبال الهواءئ

A drowing man will catch at astraw.

ئالكيس الملآن لا يفتقد الخلانئ

A full purse never lacks friends.

ئالرجل الجوعان رجل غضبانئ

A hungry man is an angry man.

ئالكلب الحي خير من الاسد الميتئ
A living dog is better that a dead lion.

ئالسر بين اكثر من اثنين ليس بسرئ

A secret between more than two is no secret.

ئبعد الأمتحان يكرم المرء او يهان ئ

After a test men are honoured or disgraced.

ئالنعجة الجرباء تعدي كل القطيعئ

A scabby sheep infects a whole flock

ئتعرف الشجرة من ثمرهائ

A tree is known by its fruit

رد: حكم باللغة الانجليزية

thank’s so much

رد: حكم باللغة الانجليزية

thx so much … but i think in english it’s makes us love it and do it more

رد: حكم باللغة الانجليزية

thank you a lot my dear

رد: حكم باللغة الانجليزية


رد: حكم باللغة الانجليزية

thank you very much

نقاشات التلاميذ

حل موضوع امتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2022 لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

حل موضوع امتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2022 لمادة اللغة الانجليزية


here is the correction of the exam

Activity One :
1-before the internet the britsh used to listen to news
2-they used to watch news on tv one a day

Activity Two :

1-people used to the newspaper on the train while travelling to work
2-things became more complicated when first 24 hours tv news arrived
-they= people
-one= newspaper

Activity Three :
-probably = possibly
-different =separate
-hard =/=easy
-less =/=more


Activity One :
1-The most popular print newspaper in Britain is the Sun.

Activity Two :
didn’t use to

Activity Three :
easier than the easiest
the biggest

Activity Four :
(t) in listen
(l) in would
(h) in while
(r) in work .

Written expression :
Today, many people in your country prefer to get the news online.
Write a paragraph of 8 lines in which you can use the following ideas:
-gain time
-different news
-almost free
-get the news where and when you want

رد: حل موضوع امتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2022 لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

لكن بالنسبة ل مرادفة probably = might ممكن تجئ صحيحة

رد: حل موضوع امتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2022 لمادة اللغة الانجليزية


رد: حل موضوع امتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2022 لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

الونشريس اقتباس الونشريس
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عابد القدير
لكن بالنسبة ل مرادفة probably = might ممكن تجئ صحيحة

اظن ان كلمة possibly هي الصحيحة

رد: حل موضوع امتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2022 لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

الونشريس اقتباس الونشريس
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة siham mosta

شكرا على مرورك اختي

رد: حل موضوع امتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2022 لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

الاخت اظن ان things became more complicated when the internet apperd
و العلم لله

رد: حل موضوع امتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2022 لمادة اللغة الانجليزية

الونشريس اقتباس الونشريس
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة seleena
الاخت اظن ان things became more complicated when the internet apperd
و العلم لله

الله اعلم اختي

شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2015

تصحيح موضوع امتحان الانجليزية bem2022

تصحيح موضوع امتحان الانجليزية bem2012


موقع تحميل تصحيح موضوع امتحان الانجليزية2012

رد: تصحيح موضوع امتحان الانجليزية bem2012


رد: تصحيح موضوع امتحان الانجليزية bem2012


رد: تصحيح موضوع امتحان الانجليزية bem2012

عفواااا اصدقائي

رد: تصحيح موضوع امتحان الانجليزية bem2012


رد: تصحيح موضوع امتحان الانجليزية bem2012


رد: تصحيح موضوع امتحان الانجليزية bem2012

تصحيح النموذجي لشهادة التعليم المتوسط العربية

العنوان….. اهمية المطالعة
الاسباب………انصراف واشتغالهم بشؤون الحياة
الصنفين مستحقون وغير مستحقون
اللضداد …….. الاقبال الاحجام يضيق …يتسع

انتظروني في البناء اللغوي

تصحيح امتحان شهادة التعليم المتوسط اللغة العربية2012

البناء الفكري
العنوان….. اهمية المطالعة
الاسباب………انصراف واشتغالهم بشؤون الحياة
الصنفين مستحقون وغير مستحقون
لضداد …….. الاقبال الاحجام يضيق …يتسع
البناء الفني
لطباق….. محب…كاره
نوع الصورة البيانية…….استعارة مكنية
البناء اللغوي
نفحة…فاعل مرفوع
خبر كان منصوب
محل الجمل الواقعة بين قوسين
الجملة1 جملة فعلية في محل رفع خبر للمبتدا اكثر
الجملة2 جملة اسمية
في محل نصب حال
اسلوب اغراء….القراءة القراءة
نوعه ……مكرر

مادة اللغة الإنجليزية في التعليم المتوسط English middle school

البروجي الاول في الانجليزية 3am

البروجي الاول في الانجليزية 3am


من فضلكم اريد بحث حول كريستوف كولومبوس و ما فعل في حياته في 20 سطر بالانجليزية
ارجو الاسراع انا احتاجه يوم الاحد

فروض واختبارات الانجليزية للسنة الثانية متوسط

الاختبار الاخير لمادة الانجليزية الفصل الاخير. 2 متوسط.متوسطة صلاح الدين

الاختبار الاخير لمادة الانجليزية الفصل الاخير. 2 متوسط.متوسطة صلاح الدين





الاختبار الاخير لمادة الانجليزية الفصل الاخير. 2 متوسط.متوسطة صلاح الدين
2AM EX.doc

رد: الاختبار الاخير لمادة الانجليزية الفصل الاخير. 2 متوسط.متوسطة صلاح الدين

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

مشكور أستاذ ميلود على المشاركة القيمة و المفيدة

جعلها الله في ميزان حسناتك

في انتظار المزيد نرجو أن لا تبخل علينا بمثل هذه المواضيع

بارك الله فيك

رد: الاختبار الاخير لمادة الانجليزية الفصل الاخير. 2 متوسط.متوسطة صلاح الدين

كل ما اتمناه هو النجاح لكل طلبتنا
تم اضافة اختبارين من انجازي
وقد اجري اليوم فقط يعني طازج
لا تبخلو عن استفساراتكم فانا في الخدمة ما حييت
في الاخير اطلب رايكم في امتحاناتي ومقارنتها بامتحناتكم
استاذ ميلود

رد: الاختبار الاخير لمادة الانجليزية الفصل الاخير. 2 متوسط.متوسطة صلاح الدين

لقد تم الإطلاع على مواضيعك كلها التي بالضرورة ستفيد الجميع إن شاء الله

و ما يزيدنا إفادة هو الإختلاف في المواضيع و سير الأسئلة

فهذا يعطي تنوعاً فكرياً و تجديداً للمفاهيم

عندي طلب لو سمحت أستاذ، و هو أن تطلع على آخر مشاركة في الرابط التالي و ترد على صاحبها إن أمكن:


رد: الاختبار الاخير لمادة الانجليزية الفصل الاخير. 2 متوسط.متوسطة صلاح الدين


رد: الاختبار الاخير لمادة الانجليزية الفصل الاخير. 2 متوسط.متوسطة صلاح الدين

مشكور يعطيك ا لصحة العافية

رد: الاختبار الاخير لمادة الانجليزية الفصل الاخير. 2 متوسط.متوسطة صلاح الدين


رد: الاختبار الاخير لمادة الانجليزية الفصل الاخير. 2 متوسط.متوسطة صلاح الدين

thank’s !………..

رد: الاختبار الاخير لمادة الانجليزية الفصل الاخير. 2 متوسط.متوسطة صلاح الدين

بارك الله فيكم

رد: الاختبار الاخير لمادة الانجليزية الفصل الاخير. 2 متوسط.متوسطة صلاح الدين

بارك الله فيكم

فروض واختبارات الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط

اللغة الانجليزية 3متوسط

اللغة الانجليزية 3متوسط


Mourad and I are having couscous on Friday afternoon.It makes us very happy if you could come.We’re waiting for you and all the members of your family.
Activity one : Read the text and answer the following questions : (5pts)
1-Who sends this message ? ………………………………..
2-Who is the receiver ? ………………………………….
3-What are Mourad and Dalila having on Friday afternoon ? ………………………………………………..
4-Find an adjective which means « glad » , « content » in the text. ………………………….
5-Identify the type of Dalila’s message. …………………………………
Activity two : Turn the following sentences to formal .(2pts)
1- Can you repeat the question ? …………………………………………………………………………….
2- Sorry, I haven’t understood. …………………………………………………………………………….
Activity three : Turn the following sentences into INTERROGATIVE FORM.(3pts)
1-Adel invited his friends. ………………………………………………………………….
2-Mr.Black is generous. ………………………………………………………………….
3-They like telling jokes. …………………………………………………………………
Activity four : Match these comments to their replies.(4pts)
Sorry.Could you spell your name ? How do you you ?
How do you do Yes, of course.
Could I leave a message ? Yes, I.B.R.A.H.I.M.
Is Mr.Ramdani here ? I’m sorry but he’s away this week.
Activity five : Written expression.(6pts)
Write a short paragraph about a funny character you know.Talk about his or her physical appearance and personality and what does she and he like doing.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………
Zaki Mahmoud is an Egyptian young boy. He is 14. He studies in middle school, year 3. He is quite tall for his age. He is 1.70 m. He is a tall slim boy with short dark hair and dark eyes. Zaki is generally calm but not timid. He likes meeting people and discussing with them.
Zaki likes sport very much and he is very fond of basketball. He wants to join a local basketball club but he must write an application letter.
Zaki ****s in a small town in the north of Egypt with his parents and his two sisters.
Part One (14 pts)
Section One: Reading Comprehension. (7pts)
A/Read the text and write ‘True’, ‘False’ or ‘Not mentioned’. (3pts)
Zaki goes to middle school.
Zaki was born in January.
Zaki has got one sister and one brother.
B/ Read the text and answer the following questions. (2pts)
1. Does Zaki like talking to people?
2. Is he interested in sport?
C/ 1.Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (1pt)
thin = quiet =
2.Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (1pt)
easygoing ***8800; big ***8800;
Section Two: Mastery of Language. (7pts)
A/ Order the following words to get coherent sentences.(2pts)
am / in / chess / I / . / interested / playing /
of / you / ? / volleyball / Are / fond /
B/ Fill in the gaps with: in – on – at. (3pts)
Zaki started practising basketball ……… September. He practices ……… Monday and Wednesday. He starts after school and finishes ……… 6.30 pm.
C/Classify these words according to their vowel sound. (2pts)
slim – meeting – ****s – people
/i:/ see
/I/ his
Section Three: Written Expression. (6pts)
Zaki wants to join a local basketball club. Help him to write an application letter.
Dear …………,
I would ….
I look forward to receiving a positive reply.
Yours sincerely,
Zaki Mahmoud
Part Two (6 pts)
Written Expression
Your Egyptian pen friend sent you this e-mail:
From: ……………..*************
To: ……………***********
Dear friend,
How are you? The winter holidays are not very far. With my family, we are going to travel to Turkey. And you, what are you going to do next winter holidays? Send me an e-mail and tell me about it.
Use the following clues to write an e-mail:
ü next winter holidays
ü visit Hammamat, in Tunisia
ü plane
ü hotel
ü photos
ü souvenirs
Level: 3AM
Next winter holidays Salim is going to Cherchell. His friend Karim invited him to spend three days with him. The two friends have prepared a lot of activities to do, so they are going to be very busy. Salim is going on December 25th in the morning. He is going by bus. The first day they are visiting the Roman ruins, the museum and the old part of the city. There are a lot of Roman ruins in Cherchell. A long time ago, the Romans came to Cherchell and stayed there for many years. They called it “Cesaree”. Today it is called Cherchell.The second day they are going to the forest and they are organizing a picnic with some friends. The third and last day Salim is doing some shopping in the old market. He is buying some presents for his family and some souvenirs of Cherchell. He is coming back home on December 28th in the morning.
Section One: Reading Comprehension. (7pts)
A/ Read the text and answer these questions. (2pts)
What is Salim doing next holidays?
Are there Roman ruins in Cherchell?
B/ Write “True” or “False”. Correct the wrong statement. (3pts)
Salim was invited by Karim.
The two friends planned many things to do.
Salim is returning home on December 25th.
C/ Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to: (1pt)
many = returning =
Find in the text word that are opposite in meaning to: (1pt)
new ***8800; last ***8800;
Section Two: Mastery of Language. (7pts)
A/ Match the sentences in column A with their functions in column B. (2pts)
column A
column B
1.Would you please fill this form?
2.Can I use your calculator?
3.Why don’t we go fishing this afternoon?
4.May I get you a soda?
b)Requesting politely
d)Asking for permission
B/ Choose the right word to complete this short text. (2pts)
Julie is an air hostess. She always works (in – on – at) a plane. She helps the passengers, serves them and asks them politely to fasten (their – them – they) seat belts and turn (of – off – on) their mobiles. Today she is flying (at – in – to) Geneva.
C/ Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (3pts)
This weekend we are very busy at home. I (to clean) the garden. My two brothers (to do) the shopping. My father (to repair) his car.
Section Three: Written Expression. (6pts)*
Your classmate is travelling next holidays. You want to know where, when, how … he/she is travelling. Imagine a conversation between you and your classmate.
*Do not write names. Use A and B.[IMG]file:///C:/Users/DE-BEN%7E1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.jpg[/IMG]
Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 03 AM
First Term English Examination
Dear Ahmed,
I was very glad to receive your present. It was very nice and interesting. I was very delighted and I would like to thank you so much. It pleased all the family, especially, Eva.
She was attracted to the book about the Arabs during the Golden Age. It was very interesting. Arabs were generous and very hospitable. They were serious, strict and sincere. They liked helping the others. That’s why Eva was fascinated by their character.
I am waiting to hear from you soon,
PART ONE: ( 14 pts )
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 08 pts )
A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 06 Pts)
1. What kind is this text : an invitation – a thank you note – a sympathy message.
2. What was Ahmed’s present to Peter ?
3. Was Eva delighted for receiving the present ?
4. What were the Arabs like ?
5. What book attracted Eva ?
6. Did the Arabs’ personality fascinate Eva ?
B ) Lexis : ( 02 pts )
1- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to :
happy = …………….. honest = ………………….
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to :
little ***8800; ……………… disliked ***8800; ………………
Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 06 Pts )
A ) Choose the right answer ( 01 pts )
We use "Could" to
* express sympathy
* ask for clarification
* express apology
We use "I’m afraid" to
* express sympathy
* ask for clarification
* express apology
B ) Write the correct the forms of the verbs in brackets. ( 01 pts )
1. Peter ( to play ) chess on Sunday.
2. My father ( not to visit ) Algiers in 1998.
C ) Combine the two statements into a new one using : ( and – but – because ) ( 02 pts )
1. Andrea is a sweet girl. She is very nervous.
2. Ahmed like jokes. He likes riddles.
3. I have a bad mark in the exam. I don’t work hard.
Turn the page
Page : 1 / 2
D ) Classify these verbs according to the pronunciation of their final ( d ) ( 02 pts )
delighted – pleased – liked – attracted
/ d /
/ t /
/ id /
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts )
Try to reorder the following sympathy message.
I wish her a prompt recovery.
I am sorry to hear that …
I hope she is OK, now.
Your mother had a medical operation.
Dear Farid,
Your Friend, Walid
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GOOD LUCK[IMG]file:///C:/Users/DE-BEN%7E1/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.jpg[/IMG]
Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 03 AM
First Term English Examination
Text: A Trip to Paris
Next winter, Kate is going to Paris on a holiday. She dislikes travelling by boat so she is going to travel by air. Kate will leave New York on January 15th. She has to be at the airport at 8:30 that morning. The plane will leave at 10:00. She is going to wear a coat because Paris is cold. She is very clever. Kate is very happy because it is her first trip to Paris. She plans to visit museums and many places and to eat in French restaurants. She will send letters to her friends. She will also buy some presents for them. She is going to stay with her friend Daniel. He will meet her at the airport. Kate will spend two months in Paris.
PART ONE: ( 14 pts )
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 03 Pts)
1. When will Kate leave New York ?
2. Will she travel to Rome ?
3. Why is she happy ?
B ) Are these statements true or false ? Correct the wrong ones. ( 02 pts )
1. Kate is going to travel by boat .
2. It was her second visit to Paris.
3. Daniel is a nice girl.
4. Kate will forget her friends.
C ) Lexis : 1- Find in the text words that are closest in the meaning to : ( 02 pts )
intelligent = …………….. put on = ………………….
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in the meaning to :
loves ***8800; ……………… sell ***8800; ………………
Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts )
A ) Add one word for each list. ( 02 pts )
1car boat plane
2winter spring summer
3French English Spanish
4museum restaurant airport
B ) Turn into the negative. ( 03 pts )
1. Kate is going to London.
2. She plans to visit the national museum.
3. She took her umbrella.
C ) Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final "s" ( 02 pts )
dislikes – meals – always – presents
/ S /
/ Z /
Turn the page
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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 03 AM
First Term English Examination
Text: The Lion
The lion is the king of animals. Lions **** in forests in Africa. They kill small animals and feed on them. The male lion is a beautiful animal with long hair round his head. The female lion or lioness does not have hair round her head. Lions are dangerous animals. They sometimes attack people.
PART ONE: ( 14 pts )
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 03 Pts)
1- Where do lions **** ?
2- What is a lioness ?
3- Do lions like people ?
B ) Are these statements true or false ? Correct the wrong ones. ( 02 pts )
1- The lion is the king of animals.
2- They **** in forests in Africa .
3- They feed on grass.
4- The male lion is horrible.
C ) Lexis : 1- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to : ( 02 pts )
eat = …………….. nice = ………………….
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to :
die ***8800; ……………… short ***8800; ………………
Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts )
A ) Read the text and pick out (4) words that have the sounds /i/ – / ei / ( 02 pts )
/ i /
/ ei /
B ) Complete the table ( 02 pts )
more beautiful than
worse than
C ) Turn into the plural. ( 03 pts )
• The lion is a beautiful animal.
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts )
Look at the table and write a paragraph about the giraffes.
very big and heavy
long nose
long neck
Elephants are mammals. They **** in Africa. They are very big and heavy. They have got long nose. They feed on grass.
Now write about giraffes.
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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 03 AM
First Term English Examination
Text: John Wilson
John Wilson is a painter. He likes his job very much. He doesn’t **** with his family because he always travels away for a long time. He has a small house in the country where he works. John doesn’t like travelling by plane. He prefers to go by boat or by train. Every year, he visits a new country in Europe: France, England, Germany, etc…
Eating in a restaurant is his favourite hobby. He’s fond of taking photos and paintings. He doesn’t like writing at all.
PART ONE: ( 14 pts )
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 03 Pts)
1- What is John Smith fond of ?
2- Where does he go every year ?
3- What is his favourite hobby ?
B ) Choose the best answer. ( 02 pts )
1- John Smith is a : A- doctor B- photographer C- painter
2- John prefers travelling A- by boat B- by plane C- on foot
C ) Lexis : 1- Find in the text words that are closest in the meaning to : ( 02 pts )
occupation = …………….. dislike = ………………….
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in the meaning to :
big ***8800; ……………… short ***8800; ………………
Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts )
A ) Choose the right word to fill in . ( 02 pts )
1- John isn’t interested in ….at all. ( write – writing – writes )
2- May I …you a drink ? ( give – shall – offer )
3- Shall we go …? ( shopping – drive – paint )
B ) Identify these sentences : ( suggestion – request – offer ) ( 02 pts )
1- Shall I get you an aspirin ? …
2- Would you mind turning the radio off . …
3- Let’s have lunch at Mc Donald’s restaurant. …
C ) Classify these words according to the number of syllables. ( 02 pts )
family – **** – by – travelling
1 syllable
2 syllables
3 syllables
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts )
Complete the following dialogue.
• John : Why don’t we go for a trip tomorrow ?
• Mary : ………………………………………
• John : …………………………………. 8 am.
• Mary : Sorry, ………………………………..
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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 03 AM
First Term English Examination
Text: John Wilson
John Wilson is a painter. He likes his job very much. He doesn’t **** with his family because he always travels away for a long time. He has a small house in the country where he works. John doesn’t like travelling by plane. He prefers to go by boat or by train. Every year, he visits a new country in Europe: France, England, Germany, etc…
Eating in a restaurant is his favourite hobby. He’s fond of taking photos and paintings. He doesn’t like writing at all.
PART ONE: ( 14 pts )
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 03 Pts)
1- What is John Smith fond of ?
2- Where does he go every year ?
3- What is his favourite hobby ?
B ) Choose the best answer. ( 02 pts )
1- John Smith is a : A- doctor B- photographer C- painter
2- John prefers travelling A- by boat B- by plane C- on foot
C ) Lexis : 1- Find in the text words that are closest in the meaning to : ( 02 pts )
occupation = …………….. dislike = ………………….
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in the meaning to :
big ***8800; ……………… short ***8800; ………………
Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts )
A ) Choose the right word to fill in . ( 02 pts )
1- John isn’t interested in ….at all. ( write – writing – writes )
2- May I …you a drink ? ( give – shall – offer )
3- Shall we go …? ( shopping – drive – paint )
B ) Identify these sentences : ( suggestion – request – offer ) ( 02 pts )
1- Shall I get you an aspirin ? …
2- Would you mind turning the radio off . …
3- Let’s have lunch at Mc Donald’s restaurant. …
C ) Classify these words according to the number of syllables. ( 02 pts )
family – **** – by – travelling
1 syllable
2 syllables
3 syllables
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts )
Complete the following dialogue.
• John : Why don’t we go for a trip tomorrow ?
• Mary : ………………………………………
• John : …………………………………. 8 am.
• Mary : Sorry, ………………………………..
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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 03 AM
First Term English Examination
Text: John Wilson
John Wilson is a painter. He likes his job very much. He doesn’t **** with his family because he always travels away for a long time. He has a small house in the country where he works. John doesn’t like travelling by plane. He prefers to go by boat or by train. Every year, he visits a new country in Europe: France, England, Germany, etc…
Eating in a restaurant is his favourite hobby. He’s fond of taking photos and paintings. He doesn’t like writing at all.
PART ONE: ( 14 pts )
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 03 Pts)
1- What is John Smith fond of ?
2- Where does he go every year ?
3- What is his favourite hobby ?
B ) Choose the best answer. ( 02 pts )
1- John Smith is a : A- doctor B- photographer C- painter
2- John prefers travelling A- by boat B- by plane C- on foot
C ) Lexis : 1- Find in the text words that are closest in the meaning to : ( 02 pts )
occupation = …………….. dislike = ………………….
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in the meaning to :
big ***8800; ……………… short ***8800; ………………
Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts )
A ) Choose the right word to fill in . ( 02 pts )
1- John isn’t interested in ….at all. ( write – writing – writes )
2- May I …you a drink ? ( give – shall – offer )
3- Shall we go …? ( shopping – drive – paint )
B ) Identify these sentences : ( suggestion – request – offer ) ( 02 pts )
1- Shall I get you an aspirin ? …
2- Would you mind turning the radio off . …
3- Let’s have lunch at Mc Donald’s restaurant. …
C ) Classify these words according to the number of syllables. ( 02 pts )
family – **** – by – travelling
1 syllable
2 syllables
3 syllables
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts )
Complete the following dialogue.
• John : Why don’t we go for a trip tomorrow ?
• Mary : ………………………………………
• John : …………………………………. 8 am.
• Mary : Sorry, ………………………………..
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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 03 AM
First Term English Examination
Text: John Wilson
John Wilson is a painter. He likes his job very much. He doesn’t **** with his family because he always travels away for a long time. He has a small house in the country where he works. John doesn’t like travelling by plane. He prefers to go by boat or by train. Every year, he visits a new country in Europe: France, England, Germany, etc…
Eating in a restaurant is his favourite hobby. He’s fond of taking photos and paintings. He doesn’t like writing at all.
PART ONE: ( 14 pts )
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 03 Pts)
1- What is John Smith fond of ?
2- Where does he go every year ?
3- What is his favourite hobby ?
B ) Choose the best answer. ( 02 pts )
1- John Smith is a : A- doctor B- photographer C- painter
2- John prefers travelling A- by boat B- by plane C- on foot
C ) Lexis : 1- Find in the text words that are closest in the meaning to : ( 02 pts )
occupation = …………….. dislike = ………………….
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in the meaning to :
big ***8800; ……………… short ***8800; ………………
Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts )
A ) Choose the right word to fill in . ( 02 pts )
1- John isn’t interested in ….at all. ( write – writing – writes )
2- May I …you a drink ? ( give – shall – offer )
3- Shall we go …? ( shopping – drive – paint )
B ) Identify these sentences : ( suggestion – request – offer ) ( 02 pts )
1- Shall I get you an aspirin ? …
2- Would you mind turning the radio off . …
3- Let’s have lunch at Mc Donald’s restaurant. …
C ) Classify these words according to the number of syllables. ( 02 pts )
family – **** – by – travelling
1 syllable
2 syllables
3 syllables
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts )
Complete the following dialogue.
• John : Why don’t we go for a trip tomorrow ?
• Mary : ………………………………………
• John : …………………………………. 8 am.
• Mary : Sorry, ………………………………..
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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 03 AM
First Term English Examination
Text: John Wilson
John Wilson is a painter. He likes his job very much. He doesn’t **** with his family because he always travels away for a long time. He has a small house in the country where he works. John doesn’t like travelling by plane. He prefers to go by boat or by train. Every year, he visits a new country in Europe: France, England, Germany, etc…
Eating in a restaurant is his favourite hobby. He’s fond of taking photos and paintings. He doesn’t like writing at all.
PART ONE: ( 14 pts )
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 03 Pts)
1- What is John Smith fond of ?
2- Where does he go every year ?
3- What is his favourite hobby ?
B ) Choose the best answer. ( 02 pts )
1- John Smith is a : A- doctor B- photographer C- painter
2- John prefers travelling A- by boat B- by plane C- on foot
C ) Lexis : 1- Find in the text words that are closest in the meaning to : ( 02 pts )
occupation = …………….. dislike = ………………….
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in the meaning to :
big ***8800; ……………… short ***8800; ………………
Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts )
A ) Choose the right word to fill in . ( 02 pts )
1- John isn’t interested in ….at all. ( write – writing – writes )
2- May I …you a drink ? ( give – shall – offer )
3- Shall we go …? ( shopping – drive – paint )
B ) Identify these sentences : ( suggestion – request – offer ) ( 02 pts )
1- Shall I get you an aspirin ? …
2- Would you mind turning the radio off . …
3- Let’s have lunch at Mc Donald’s restaurant. …
C ) Classify these words according to the number of syllables. ( 02 pts )
family – **** – by – travelling
1 syllable
2 syllables
3 syllables
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts )
Complete the following dialogue.
• John : Why don’t we go for a trip tomorrow ?
• Mary : ………………………………………
• John : …………………………………. 8 am.
• Mary : Sorry, ………………………………..
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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 03 AM
First Term English Examination
Text: John Wilson
John Wilson is a painter. He likes his job very much. He doesn’t **** with his family because he always travels away for a long time. He has a small house in the country where he works. John doesn’t like travelling by plane. He prefers to go by boat or by train. Every year, he visits a new country in Europe: France, England, Germany, etc…
Eating in a restaurant is his favourite hobby. He’s fond of taking photos and paintings. He doesn’t like writing at all.
PART ONE: ( 14 pts )
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 03 Pts)
1- What is John Smith fond of ?
2- Where does he go every year ?
3- What is his favourite hobby ?
B ) Choose the best answer. ( 02 pts )
1- John Smith is a : A- doctor B- photographer C- painter
2- John prefers travelling A- by boat B- by plane C- on foot
C ) Lexis : 1- Find in the text words that are closest in the meaning to : ( 02 pts )
occupation = …………….. dislike = ………………….
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in the meaning to :
big ***8800; ……………… short ***8800; ………………
Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts )
A ) Choose the right word to fill in . ( 02 pts )
1- John isn’t interested in ….at all. ( write – writing – writes )
2- May I …you a drink ? ( give – shall – offer )
3- Shall we go …? ( shopping – drive – paint )
B ) Identify these sentences : ( suggestion – request – offer ) ( 02 pts )
1- Shall I get you an aspirin ? …
2- Would you mind turning the radio off . …
3- Let’s have lunch at Mc Donald’s restaurant. …
C ) Classify these words according to the number of syllables. ( 02 pts )
family – **** – by – travelling
1 syllable
2 syllables
3 syllables
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts )
Complete the following dialogue.
• John : Why don’t we go for a trip tomorrow ?
• Mary : ………………………………………
• John : …………………………………. 8 am.
• Mary : Sorry, ………………………………..
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Ministry of Education
Level: 03 AM
First Term English Examination
Text: Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens was born in 1812. Very early, he loved reading a lot, walking and going to the theatre. His father was very nice but he had problems with money. So in 1824, Charles had to stop going to school, and he worked in a factory for three months. But soon, his father’s situation became better and Charles went back to school. He wrote twenty famous books such as : David Copperfield and O****r Twist. He died in 1870.
PART ONE: ( 14 pts )
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
A ) Read the text and answer the questions ( 03 Pts)
1- When did Charles stop going to school ?
2- Did he go back to school ?
3- How many books did he write ?
B ) Are these statements true or false ? Correct the wrong ones. ( 02 pts )
1- Charles liked reading books . 3- He never stopped his studies.
2- He wrote hundreds of books. 4- He still ****s in England.
C ) Lexis : 1- Find in the text words that are closest in the meaning to : ( 02 pts )
returned = …………….. liked = ………………….
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in the meaning to :
hated ***8800; ……………… worse ***8800; ………………
Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 07 Pts )
A ) Cross the odd one out. ( 02 pts )
1- cinema – school – theatre – visit
2- worked – stopped – seen – finished
3- take – always – never – sometimes
4- year – month – good – day
B ) Supply the past participle . ( 02 pts )
to be
to write
to visit
to stop
Past participle
C ) Write the correct the forms of the verbs in brackets. ( 03 pts )
1- Mrs Wilson is going to read a book ( to write ) by Dickens.
2- We like ( to come ) early.
3- I never ( to go ) to the theatre.
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 06 Pts )
Use the following information to write a biography about Leonardo Fibonacci
• Born in 1180.
• Introduce Arabic Numerals to Western Europe.
• Study in Bejaia.
• Publish a book of maths.
• Die in 1250.
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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Education
Level: 03 AM
First Term English Examination
The dialogue : The Crossword Puzzle
Sami : Is it true that you and John took part in the crossword puzzle contest ?
Indira : Yes, that’s right.
Sami : Was it John’s idea ?
Indira : No, it wasn’t. It was mine and we won! We went to Edinburgh last weekend.
Sami : Wow! Did you visit interesting places there ?
Indira : Sure! We visited the castle, which is in the middle of the city, and we walked
through the Royal Mile. We also walked through Princess Street.
Sami : So, you enjoyed your stay there. Didn’t you ?
Indira : Yes, of course! And I hope to go there again some day.
PART ONE: ( 15 pts )
Section One: Reading Comprehension ( 07 pts )
A ) Read the text carefully and answer the following questions. ( 05 Pts )
1- Was the puzzle contest John’s idea ?
2- What did they visit in Edinburgh ?
3- Did Indira and John Like this journey ?
4- Where is the castle ?
5- What does Indira hope ?
B ) Lexis : 1- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to : ( 02 pts )
town= …………….. wish = ………………….
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to :
wrong ***8800; ……………… next ***8800; ………………
Section Two: Mastery of Language ( 08 Pts )
A ) Reorder the following words alphabetically. ( 02 pts )
true – John – castle – street
B ) Put in : ( since – for – ago ) ( 03 pts )
1- We have been in London ………….a week.
2- John took part in the crossword puzzle contest a month …………..
3- They have been in Edinburgh ………..last weekend.
C ) Put the verbs between brackets in the present perfect. ( 03 pts )
1- Jenny ( to clean ) the house.
2- He ( not to play ) tennis.
3- We ( to go ) out ?
PART TWO: Integration Phase (written expression) ( 05 Pts )
Reorder these to get a correct dialogue.
Sami : Look! He has torn my book. What shall I do, madam ?
Teacher : What has he done ?
Teacher : Well, use a piece of scotch.
Sami : I’m angry with Ahmed.
Teacher : What’s the matter, Sami ?
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رد: اللغة الانجليزية 3متوسط

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrcccccccccccccccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط 4AM

برنامج رائع لشرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة باللغة العربية

برنامج رائع لشرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة باللغة العربية


برنامج رائع لشرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة باللغة العربية






رد: برنامج رائع لشرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة باللغة العربية


رد: برنامج رائع لشرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة باللغة العربية

جزاكم الله الجنة

رد: برنامج رائع لشرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة باللغة العربية

فككت الضغط لاكنه طلب مني الكود

رد: برنامج رائع لشرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة باللغة العربية


رد: برنامج رائع لشرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة باللغة العربية


رد: برنامج رائع لشرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة باللغة العربية

بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله خيرا

رد: برنامج رائع لشرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة باللغة العربية

الونشريس اقتباس الونشريس
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة زاكي16
بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله خيرا

ولكن أريد الكود من فضلك

رد: برنامج رائع لشرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة باللغة العربية

بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله خيرا
والله موضوع رائع تقبل مروري
وانشاء الله يكونوا مواضبعك في الامام

رد: برنامج رائع لشرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية كاملة باللغة العربية

رائع شكرا جزيلا

اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط 4AM

جميع مذكرات الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط work sheet of English 4MS

جميع مذكرات الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط work sheet of English 4MS


جميع مذكرات اللغة الانجليزية toutes les fiches d’Anglais 4am all the work sheet of English 4MS

Giving instructions
expressing certainty/ uncertainty
Seeking agreement
expressing certainty/ uncertainty
Expressing ability will be able to do
Expressing possibility
Socializing Asking for permission
Describing (Expressing possibility) : using ( may / might ).
Expressing agreement & disagreement.
Illustrating Writing an article using the grammatical instructions
Expressing condition use clauses-time
Predicting the future
Expressing satisfaction & dissatisfaction
Locating places to draw a road map of tourist’s route
Describing / Remembering
Asking for and giving information
Describing people Writing short biography using relative pronouns
Expressing remote possibility express conditional type 2
Predicting and suggesting express future hopes and dreams
Giving warning express certainty and uncertainty warnings /options
Narrating Talking about past events asking and answering about past actions
Reporting report a past event using the past continuous and the simple past
report past events using both the simple past and past continuous
derive nouns from verbs + put stress on the suitable syllable
responding to different situation
reasoning – expressing – surprise – apologising – interest
reading: making and checking narrative predictions
writing: ordering sets to get a coherent paragraph
the use of past tense to narrate

رد: جميع مذكرات الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط work sheet of English 4MS

thanxxx byby

رد: جميع مذكرات الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط work sheet of English 4MS

i love youuu so mych habibi

فروض واختبارات الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط

اختبار الفصل الثاني في اللغة الانجليزية السنة الرابعة 4 متوسط

اختبار الفصل الثاني في اللغة الانجليزية السنة الرابعة 4 متوسط


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته

الاختبار الثلاثي الثاني في مادة اللغة الانجليزية لتلاميذ 4 متوسط




رد: اختبار الفصل الثاني في اللغة الانجليزية السنة الرابعة 4 متوسط

جازاك الله الف الف خير

رد: اختبار الفصل الثاني في اللغة الانجليزية السنة الرابعة 4 متوسط

الونشريس اقتباس الونشريس
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سمية الاميرة
جازاك الله الف الف خير

آآمين يا رب ، بارك الله فيك أختي سمية دمت لنا

رد: اختبار الفصل الثاني في اللغة الانجليزية السنة الرابعة 4 متوسط

جزاكم الله كل الخيرو بارك لكم في مجهوداتكم

رد: اختبار الفصل الثاني في اللغة الانجليزية السنة الرابعة 4 متوسط

الونشريس اقتباس الونشريس
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ليالي25
جزاكم الله كل الخيرو بارك لكم في مجهوداتكم

آآآآمين يا رب ، و اياكم خير الجزاء
شكرا على طيب المرور