tell me….what would you do if you could change the world???pleaseeeeeeeee
give me briliant ideas …please….i need it 4 next wednesday
no answers…..i think you hate me
whait a minite please
ok i’m waiting…..ok
reforest the forests,
cleanup our waters,
make polluters responsible for their pollution and require them to clean up their messes,
stop child exploitation,
end violence,
find a cure for AIDS and HIV,
elect only kind and compassionate leaders,
fund alternative media,
teach people how to grow their own foods,
permanently depose dictators,
find a way to detoxify Chernobyl,
make wars obsolete,
pray that parents love their children
هذه كأفكار حاولي برك كيفاش تلصقيها جملة بجملة ……….ارجو نيل عجابك..
We are in the world of Standard Site where the strong over the weak if I could change anything in the world HD Ballowasa you for equality between the weak and the strong-Sheikh and small …….. if you can give to each his due …….. de Lucan can ….. to the published peace and love among people ….. all discounts expire, including a world Venaih Mentdharan Zahraaaaa future for our children
ان شاء الله تعجبك…..وسمحيلي منعرفش نعبر مليح
thanks ….i love you
No thanks to the duty of love,,,,, deserve
entre kiuckly i need a help
some projects for my magazines please kuickly
need a boo
السلام عليكم احتاج مساعدتكم ابحث عن كتاب وهو
the name of the book is:
Discourse and context in lang-uage teaching: a guide for lang-uage teachers Marianne Celce-Murcia, Elite Olshtain
احتاج ضروري شكرا
بحثت لك وهذا ماوجدت :
اذ يمكنك الحصول على الكتاب وتصفحه على النت فانا لم استطع تحميله لك كاملا اعذريني
شكرا من فضلك تنشر الرابط اني ما لقيت
قومي فقط بوضع عنوان الكتاب في قوقل وهو سيقودك الى عدة روابط تتحدثعن الموضوع ادخلي لكل رابط على حدا وستجدين باذن الله ظالتك
موفقة باذن الله
للاسف لم اجد الكتاب اذا عندك رابط الكتاب اونلاين من فضلك تنشره شكرا
bonjour tout d’abord je voudrais m’exisé de mon long retard sur se site 3 mois mdr si nn j’ai besoin d’aide pr un exercice
……………………………….. my brother likes playing bascketball because
…………………………………my friends don’t like football because
svp aidé moi
at home we like watching basketball so my brother likes playing bascketball because this hers favorite sport, as
my friends don’t like football because it happens in every football violence after the end of the game
try this if you liked bat he need a correction and i have many home work ok
thank’s for your help ^^
welcam sister
help me please i need a recherche for my project of english the title : is7a9 nyeten today please