إليكم هذا الموقع للذين يريدون تعلم او التدرب على نطق الكلمات او التعرف على مخارج حروف الانكليزية الامريكية اليكم هذا الفلاش وان شاء الله يعجبكم
you’re welcome sis ….this is my first participation …hope it’s useful
شكرا جزيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييلا
i can’t find the page
please add another link
i really want to see it
Thank you ………
الرابط لايعمل
hi enjoy & lurn ::::::::::::::::::::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do it
1. TEXT health To be in good health is one of the greatest pleasures of life ‘without health person will not be abele to enjoy wealth or anything ales. That is why we say that health is better than wealth young people like yourselves should learn how to keep in good health The people of the past did not understand haw to keep healthy. Many nations suffered from illnesses and great numbers of young men and women died. When an illness broke out, it spread quickly over whole countries.
The most usual causes of illnesses are germs or microbes. A germ is q very small living organism, which you can see only with microscope. Germs can be carried by air; by food; by water or by touch. Some animals and insects such as mosquitoes may also carry germs from
(From: Longman new English readers)
Part one: (14 points)
Activity one read the text carefully and answers the following questions:
1. Did people in the past know how to protect themselves from illnesses?
2. Why do we say that health is better than wealth?
3. How can germs be carried from person to person?
Activity two choose (a); (b); (c); (d) to complete the sentences:
1. Many young people of the past…….. From illnesses and died.
a) Lived b) died c) suffered d) spread
2. We ……… learn how to keep in good health a) Should b) can’t c) don’t d) are
Activity three
1. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: a) Richness =………; b) fast =………. 2. Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following:
A) Poverty ***8800;……….; b) deuth ***8800;………
Activity one Look at the following example and do the same: (3 points)
e.g.: health is wealth. Health is better than wealth
1. Illness may be (bad) death.
2. People living in the mountains are (healthy) the people who live in the cities.
3. Some diseases are (dangerous) others.
Activity too finds in the text four (4) words that’s have the following vowel sounds:
/U:/ do
/U/ could
/I:/ eat
/I/ visit
_ ……………
_ ……………
_ …………..
_ ………….
Activity tree rewrite the following passage using the imperative:
1. You should learn how to keep in good health
2. You should not eat match fat.
present and past
, comparative , superlative
the second term english test n2 for 4AM
| third term english test 2as
The Third Term English Test 2as LPH, LL
الفرض الاول للفصل الثالث في الانجليزية 2 ثانوي اداب وفلسفة واداب ولغات
How to speak the simple english
| How to speak the simple english
(1) صباح الخير (قود مورنينغ)good morning (2) مساء الخير (لبعد الظهر- العصر) قود افتر نونgood afternoon (3) مساء الخير (قود ايفنيينغ)good evening (4) تصبح على خير (قود نايت) good night (5) مع السلامه (قود باي)good bye (6) اراك لاحقاًَ (سي يو ليتر)see you later (7) رحلة سعيده (هاف آ نايس ترب)have a nice trip ( تشرفنا (ايم بليسيد تو ميت يو) I’m pleased to meet you (9) كيف حالك (هو ار يو)How are you? (10) بخير ,شكرا (فري ول ثانك يو)very well , thank you (11) ما اسم هذا؟ ( وت دو يو كول ذس)what do you call this (12) ما اسم ذلك؟ ( وت دو يو كول ذات)what do you call that (13) ما معنى هذا؟ ( وت دوز ذس مين) what does this mean (14) ما معنى ذلك؟ (وت دوز ذات مين) what does that mean (15) هل تتكلم العربيه؟ ( دو يو سبيك اربك)do you speak Arabic (16) هل يوجد هنا احد يتكلم العربيه؟ (دوز اني ون هير سبيك اربك) Does anyone here speak Arabic (17)انا لا اجيد الانجليزيه (أي دونت سبيك متش انجليش) Idon’t speak much English (1 اني فاهم (أي اندستاند)I understand (19 ) اني لست فاهم (أي دونت اندر ستاند)I don’t understand (20) اعد من فضلك (بيلز ربيت ذات) Please repeat that (21) من فضلك تكلم على مهلك (كود يو سبيك مور سلولي بليز) Could you speak more slowly , please? (22) من فضلك اشر الى الجمله في الكتاب ( بليز بوينت تو ذا فريز ان ذا بوك) please point to the phrase in the book (23) لحظه واحده سأبحث عنها في الكتاب ( حست ا مينيت ايل (أي ول) سي اف أي كان فايند ات هى ذس بوك) just a minute I’ll see if I can Find it in this book (24) من فضلك ساعدني (كان يو هلب مي بليز)can you help me , please (25) من فضلك اعطها لي ( قف هت تو مي بليز)Give it to me please (26) من فضلك احضرها لى ( برنق ات تو مي بليز)bring it to me please (27) اني جوعان (ايم هنقري) I’m hungry (2 اني عطشان ( ايم ثيرستي)I’m thirsty (29) اني متعب ( ايم تايرد)I’m tired (30) اني تائه (ايم لوست) I’m lost (31) انه امر هام ( اتز امبورتنت) it’s important (32) انه امر عاجل (اتز ايرجنت) it’s urgent (33) بسرعه! (هاري اب) hurry up (34) لا اعرف بعد (أي دونت نو يت) I don’t know yet (35) انا مار من هنا (ايم جست باسنق ثرو)I’m just passing through (36) ليس عندي أي شي اعلن عنه ( أي هاف ناثنق تو ديكلير) I have nothing to declare (37) انها هديه ( اتز ا جفت) it’s a gift (3 هل يجب ان ادفع عن هذا ( مست أي باي اون ذس) Must I pay on this (39) كم؟ (هاو متش) how much (40) اين ادفع؟ (وير دو أي باي) where do I pay? (41) اين عربات الحقائب؟ ( وير ار ذا لاقج تروليرز) Where are the luggage trolleys? (42) اين يمكنني تحويل العملات الاجنبيه؟ ( وير كان أي شانج فورن كارنسي) where can I change foreign currency? (43)
رد: How to speak the simple english
thanks my friend
رد: How to speak the simple english
رد: How to speak the simple english
تسلم يداك
بارك الله فيك
رد: How to speak the simple english
عفوا لكن هدا ادا كنت تريد فقط تهجية الانجليزية
رد: How to speak the simple english
رد: How to speak the simple english
this is great my dear thank you so much
رد: How to speak the simple english
thank’s so much brother for the topic waiting the best of you
رد: How to speak the simple english
شكرا لك على المرور اختي بالتوفيق ان شاء الله
رد: How to speak the simple english
ثانكس مرسي قراسيس
| The First Term English Exam all levels
The First Term English Exam all levels
رد: The First Term English Exam all levels
Thank you a lot
رد: The First Term English Exam all levels
Thanks meeeerrrrrcccciiiiiiii
رد: The First Term English Exam all levels
thank you very much
رد: The First Term English Exam all levels
شكرااااااااااا لك
رد: The First Term English Exam all levels
باااااااارك الله فيكم
رد: The First Term English Exam all levels
thanks alot
| english exams and tests for 2am first term
english exams and tests for 2am first term
first test first term 2ms second test first term 2ms first term exam of englidh 2am
رد: english exams and tests for 2am first term
thank you very much
| جميع مذكرات الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط work sheet of English 4MS
جميع مذكرات اللغة الانجليزية toutes les fiches d’Anglais 4am all the work sheet of English 4MS
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thanxxx byby
رد: جميع مذكرات الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط work sheet of English 4MS
i love youuu so mych habibi