help me please ***9829;
سلام عليكم
ساعدوني في كتابة فقرة من 7 او اسطر
تتحدث فيها عن عطلة و طيف امضيتها مع اصدقائك ( كرة القدم و الانترنت )
بالانجليزية وشكرا
رد: help me please ***9829;
In this holiday, I did many things, like go shopping and visit relatives and help my grandmother and my mother is also in the preparation of food will not forget I’ve played a lot with the children of my aunt
This happened in the first week,and in the second week I spent the whole study without playing
Thus ended the holiday and we go back to school
رد: help me please ***9829;
thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^^
رد: help me please ***9829;
شكرااا .. شكرااا..