بليييييييييز ضروري كثيييييييييييييييييييييييييير التمرين صفحة 146 لطلاب السنة الثالثة متوسط لاتبخلوني انا نعرن انكم كرماء وهذا هو التمرين write it out : imagine you re a tourist guide. choose a …………………….. ……:confused :
iam very sorryyyyyyyyyy not there yet and i a have also seen it but i could not be resoveld i am sorry again excues me
i advise you to enter the site aldict which is the finest dictionary at the net and write in google aldict.com
الافعال الشاذة (erigelair verbes in englishe)
infinitif past simple past partisiple
be was/were been
begin began begun
break broke broken
bring brought brought
buy bought bought
become became become
build built built
burn burnt burnt
blow blew blown
bind bound bound
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
come came come
cut cut cut
cost cost cost
can could could
do did don
draw drew drawn
drink drank drunk
dig dug dug
ساكمل قائمة الافعال الشاذة من بعد اروجوكم انتضروني كما ساقوم بشرح بعض الافعال بالعربية ********الى اللقاء*******:la ughing: