اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط 4AM




مرحبا اصدقائي
ارجوكم اريد بحث بالانجليزية عن بوكاهنتس الاسطورة الهندية
هلا ساعدتموني

رد: طلب

حسنا شكرا على اي حال
ان لم تجدوا بوكاهنتس هل يمكنكم مساعدتي في بحث حول
martin lauther king day
احتاج معلومات مفيدة و مختصرة

ارجوكم فانا في حاجة اليه

رد: طلب

ان شاء الله اكون قد ساعدتك في البحث الثاني

Martin Luther King

Activist U.S. against racism has won great popularity and been linked to the call of freedom and the rejection of racism, then he deserves to get the Nobel Peace Prize, and pass the anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther King on January 15, to remember dreams, which he said "I dreamed of the day that my four children will **** one day in the people not be the rule people on their skin color, but since it involves morality. "

Perhaps if the King is a**** today and saw Barack Obama ascends to occupy the post of President of the United States to flooded happiness to the fact that his dream has been achieved recently was the elimination of racism Here is African-American black chairs of the same State, which stood where Martin Luther defended the freedom and the rights of the citizen black.

Racist since childhood

Born Martin Luther King in the fifteenth of January 1929 and was assassinated on the fourteenth of April 1968 and between birth and death, a lifetime spent Luther mujahid and a defender of the rights of Africans in the United States of America.

Born Luther in Atlanta, Georgia, USA and has its roots in the African continent, the work of his father, a shepherd in the Baptist Church in Atlanta, and was a participant in the movement of the struggle of Africans to defend their rights, minority rights, this father, who completed his Son, then leaving Martin is struggling to the last of his life in order to achieve equality and defend their rights and the rights of Africans and other minorities.

Reinforce a sense of apartheid in the mind of Martin since childhood and who senses in everything around him, he is a child black haraam for him to play with his peers than white children, at the direction of maternal eggs, hence the beginning began to Martin understands how you are going situation in the country brought their ancestors to to work as slaves for the white man, there is no freedom or equality or the rights of black citizens.

Although it struggled Martin to achieve for himself a name in this life, Vajtaz stages of study successfully, and he joined the school, "Booker Washington" secondary, and the superiority which led to joining the university in 1942, he studied the Faculty, "Moore House", and graduated in 1948 obtained a his testimony in the Arts and a specialist in sociology, was then a nine-year-old, has worked as an assistant at the Martin Church of his father in 1947.

Martin continued his theological enrolled in school in Pennsylvania and studied for three years and he received a scientific testimony, followed by earning a Ph.D. in philosophy from Boston University, 1955.

In Boston, he married Coretta Scott Martin, by whom he had four sons.

Beginning of the struggle

Met with black people in America all forms of contempt and humiliation was the priority of the eggs in all matters, in the transportation of certain places allocated to them to sit down, and in the rest of the life of transactions laws restrict certain one of them can not only overcome them and he was arrested.

Spark ignites the struggle began after he fed the large number of Africans from oppression and persecution, who suffered them, and represent a form of persecution when he refused a black woman named Rosa Parks give up her seat on the bus to a white man she miscarried the police arrested them on charges of violating laws.

Hp Luther’s struggle to defend the civil rights of the citizen black, but did not take violence as a means in order to reach his goal, but went to approach the Indian leader Gandhi "Alsatya Graha" or the principle of non-violence or peaceful resistance, which is a lever peaceful du’aa this principle to the district and sit-ins and to refrain from eating or civil disobedience, which was where he called Luther to County Bus Company, which represents American Negroes a large proportion of its passengers, which had a dramatic impact on revenue, which has shrunk a lot, and as long as this province about 382 days, until the Supreme Court in America December 21, 1956 in its decision not to isolate the constitutionality of laws that black citizens in the means of transport, and that citizens should be riding a black and white buses on an equal footing.

This was the first victory achieved by Martin in his war against peaceful anti-apartheid, and for this he was arrested more than once and his house was attacked, but in the opposite role has emerged as leader of the Negroes.

Moved King to battle the other a right of American citizens of African descent in the election, so he attacked both the Republican and Democrat in one of his speeches demanding the right of black electoral, and succeeded Martin to achieve success in this round also Vtm record five million African Americans in the records of voters in the south.

In 1957 he was elected President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization that supports the civil rights movement, an organization that took the ideals of Christian principles, and got Martin in the same year he was seven and twenty years old medal "Sanjarn", which is awarded annually to a person who provides input effective in the face of race relations, and winning the people became the youngest and the first priest to receive this medal.

Exposed Martin to many assassination attempts, which did not succeed any of them in the Nile it was one of them at the hands of one of the ladies in the September 19, 1957, when she tried to stab Bfattahh letters, and almost Martin to lose his life on their impact, but destined to **** to continue in its resistance to racism.

Then came the end state of Memphis on the evening of April 1968 when he was assassinated with bullet fired by a fanatic named James Arles Ray while he was on the balcony of his hotel, and while he was Memphis to support the strike "waste collectors".

The killer was sentenced to 99 years Balshan, reported that after investigations revealed that this may be a premeditated murder and that James Ray is just a tool to carry out the assassination.

رد: طلب

اختي اروجوك اريد حلول تمارين _انشطة_كتاب_الانجليزية 4متوسط صفحة 87

رد: طلب

شكرا موضوع جميل اريد انشطة_كتاب_الانجليزية 4متوسط ارجوك صفحة 87

رد: طلب

مرحبا هل من حلولpleeeez انا محتاجتهم كثيرا اليوم

رد: طلب

شكرا جزيلا لك اخي k*ziani
و انا اسفة يا غالي فرحات لكني لم اجدهم اسفة

رد: طلب

الونشريس اقتباس الونشريس
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مرام96
شكرا جزيلا لك اخي k*ziani
و انا اسفة يا غالي فرحات لكني لم اجدهم اسفة

لا شكر على واجب اختي مرام 96

رد: طلب

ida tsth9i ndirlk whd mchi nta3 pocahontas

A woman came out of her house and saw Three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said ‘I don’t think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat.’

Is the man of the house in home ?’ they asked.

No ‘, she replied. ‘ He’s out ‘

‘Then we cannotcome in’, they replied .

In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened

he said: ‘ Go tell them I am in home andinvite them i! n ‘

The woman went out and invited the men in .

‘We do not go into a House together !’ they replied .

‘Why is that ?’ she asked .

One of the old men explained : ‘His name is Wealth ,’ he said as pointing to one of his friends, and said, pointing to another one , ‘He is Success, and I am Love ‘ Then he added, ‘Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home .’

The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. ‘ How nice !’ he said. ‘Since that is the case, let us inviteWealth . Let him come and fill our home with wealth!’

His wife disagreed . ‘My dear, why don’t we inviteSuccess ?’

Their daughterinlaw was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion : ‘Would it not be better to inviteLove ? Our home will then be filledwith .’

‘Let us heed/follow our daughterinlaw’ s advice,’ said the husband to his wife !

‘Go out and invite Love to be our guest.’

The woman went out and asked the Three old men , ‘Which one of you is Love ? Please come in and be our guest .’

Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other two also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success : ‘I only invited Love ; Why are you coming in?’

The old men replied together : ‘If you had invited Wealth or Success , the other two of us would’ve stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is alsoWealth and Success

رد: طلب

أريد أنشطة كتاب اللغة الانجليزية صفحة87 للسنة الرابعة متوسط.من فضلكم………….

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