Forum de Français

Poem : Slam sur la solidarité

Poem : Slam sur la solidarité


J’ai de la rage malgré mon âge
Quand je vois tout ce carnage
Qui se passe à Tripoli pour le mot « démocratie »

Je te jure mon ami
Que ça me pourrit la vie
De voir au cœur de Paris
Toutes ces agapes entre amis

Mais arrêtez de répéter que nous sommes solidaires
Envers le peuple d’Haïti passé à l’oubli
Ou le peuple Afghan qui se cache au moindre bruit
Ou peut-être envers le peuple de Palestine au bord de la déprime

Et arrêtez de nous gaver du matin au soir
Pour nous faire croire que le bonheur c’est d’avoir
Plein nos placards des malabarads et choco barres

Mais regardez les petits de Somalie
Qui ne tiennent qu’à un fil àla vie mourant de faim
A la mine de défunt, allez tous en chœur
Et mettons main dans la main pour un nouveau chemin
Celui de paix, de la prospérité et de l’amour qui jour après jour
Nous rend plus complice et plus fort !

اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط 4AM

write your name poem and others

write your name …. poem and others


write your name …. poem

Write Your Name

Don’t write your name on sand, waves will wash it away.
Don’t write your name in sky, wind may blow it away.

Write your name in hearts of people you come in touch with.
That’s where it will stay.

If Life Is Water

If life is water, then the jobs, money and position we hold in society are the cups.
They are just tools to hold and maintain our life; but the quality of life doesn’t change.

If we only concentrate on the cup, we won’t have time to enjoy or taste the water in it.

If I Never Try
I will sail my vessel, till the river runs dry.
Like a bird upon the wind, these waters are my sky.

I will never reach my destination, if I never try.
So I will sail my vessel, till the river runs dry.

Make Mistakes

Never make the same mistake twice. Keep experimenting.

There are so many new onews to make; Try different one each day…

رد: write your name …. poem and others

no bees ,no honey ,no work,no money
tow wrong don’t make a right
time is money
tow of trade never agree
speech is silver,silver is gold
prevention is better than cure
no rose whithout thorn
the best way to help a learner is not to help him


رد: write your name …. poem and others

my friends is evry nice things in my life because when i feel sad they will make me happy and they forget me all the problems
besaid thy always stay with me in happy time or sad time they like a stars in my hard they are evry things for that i tell you make friends it is your happynes

رد: write your name …. poem and others

you know what, the only thing i can feel with it happy and luky is the
friend ship ,when you feel that there’s some one how could you trust on him
when you feel that there’s someone how care about you
when you feel that there’s someone how think about you; here you’ll been the happier person on earth ,believe me the friend ship is the greatest relation you can ever have

رد: write your name …. poem and others

i love english and i want to speak with it all my life
when i write it or speak with it i feel freeeeeeeeee
english is my futur

رد: write your name …. poem and others

it’s wonderful with this meanings

رد: write your name …. poem and others

when i read that poem i want to swimm in the sea of the literature specially of english

رد: write your name …. poem and others

plz give us extra poem about love of the parents……….

رد: write your name …. poem and others

Very gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

رد: write your name …. poem and others

it’s wonderful with this meanings

اللغة الانجليزية للشعب العلمية

A Poem i hope U LooOoove it

A Poem…. i hope U LooOoove it



رد: A Poem…. i hope U LooOoove it

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