السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاااااااااااااته
من فضلكم اريد اي اسئلة حول وحدة او محور العصر الجاهلي لاولى ثانوي سواءا من الناحية الادبية او اللغوي (كالكناية والاستعارة…) حول الكرم ,الفروسية
الششجاااعة…….الخ او سؤال حول شرح ابيات من العصر الجاهلي..مع محاولة اعطاء اجوبتها … svp mes cherré
احتاجه يوم الخميس …..ضروووووووووري:EmpPack 3_8:
Short story : Please take me!
On my way to the store I saw something horrible happen!! A train had run into a car that was crossing the tracks. I thought "Oh no! This is horrible; there is no way the driver of that car could have lived!!"
I was the closest car to the tracks so I put my car in park and got out. I ran over to the car and looked in and could not believe what I was seeing. Tears came to my eyes and I just couldn’t take it. Inside the car was a woman driving that was obviously dead.
In the backseat was a baby in its car seat bleeding everywhere and next to the baby was a little girl who I guessed to be about 4 years old and she was bleeding also. Just then the little girl spoke.
She said, "Is my mommy and baby sister okay?"
I just looked at her and said "Honey I don’t know. There is a doctor on his way right now."
Just then the little girl started crying saying, "Don’t take my mommy and my baby sister – Take me with you too!! Please!!"
She was pleading at who knows what to take her – but take her where?? I asked the little girl who she was talking to and she said, "Don’t you see?"
That Angel is taking my mommy and my baby sister! I want to go with them too! My mommy is waving goodbye to me and she is holding my baby sister and she is smiling!"
The little girl started to cry because she did not want to stay; she wanted to go with her mommy and her baby sister.
I felt so sorry for her. I didn’t believe in God and I thought to myself, "Where did an Angel come from? What kind of God would take a mommy and a baby but not the little sister?"
At that moment I saw the little girl start to smile so big as she held her arms out to something, someone to pick her up. I thought to myself that she must be delirious and maybe she is hurt worse that I thought. Just then the little girl closed her eyes and slumped over in her seat. She was dead!
I couldn’t be sad even though this was a 4 year old little girl that had just died. You wouldn’t be sad either if you could see that beautiful smile on her face! I guess her mommy and baby sister came back to get her.
That was also the day that God came to get me – as that was the day that I became a believer and turned my life over to the only One God."
thank you thank you
i want to ask about consonant clouster
is there consonant clouster in these word : word, board ,wolf
i don’t know what u talking about seriously so i am so sorry can not help u
!!!???help mi please
اريد مصطلحات التاريخ و الجغرافيل للسنة2 ثانوي لكم الاجر عند الله تعالى
helpe please
مرحبا انا احتاج قصيدة بالانجليزية للحفظ يعني short poem احتاجها لتقديمها في الجامعة حصة oral احتاجها اليوم لاحفظها شكرا
I am free
I am free
But not only me
Also you can be free
The way is clear to see
You Know who helped me
A man I didn’t see
But he loved me
He set me free…
But not only me
Now I can see
No darkness no fears
Before before years
What a pain to see so little
And so weak to be buried
No shame and no tears
A light came to here
To set the weak free
You want to ask me
You want to know who’s he
He’s dear to my heart
And to my ear
His picture is here
In my heart
He is not the one there
He is dead
He isn’t here
Look ,it isn’t fair
They draw him
Like a….
What I can’t say
He doesn’t need my word
But I just wanted to say
Mohammed is for ever
The great and the dear
قصيدة عن الرسول ص
قصيدة منرجمة للغة العربية
The Greatest Pain in Life
أعظم ألم في الحياة
The greatest pain in life,
is not to die, but to be ignored
أعظم الم في الحياة ليس أن تموت, ولكن بأن يتجاهلك الآخرون
To lose the person you love so
much to another who doesn’t care at all
بأن تخسر صديقاً تحبه جداً لتكسب آخر لا يكترث لك أبدً
The greatest pain in life, is not to die, but to be forgotten
أعظم الم في الحياة ليس بأن تموت, لكن بأن تُنسى
When you show someone your innermost thoughts
and he laughs in your face
حينما تطلع أحدهم على أعمق افكارك ثم يضحك ساخراً في وجهك
For friends to always be too busy to console you when you need
someone to lift your spirits
حينما يكون أصدقائك مشغولين جداً عن مواساتك عندما تحتاج لأحد كي يرفع من معنوياتك
When it seems like the only person who cares about you, is you
حينما يبدو لك أن الشخص الوحيد الذي يهتم لأمرك هو أنت
Life is full of pain, but does it ever get better?
الحياة مليئة بالألم , لكن هل يتحسن الوضع ً؟
Will people ever care about each other, and make time for those who are in need?
هل سيبالي الناس بأمر بعضهم البعض
و يخصصون وقتاً لأولئك الذين يحتاجون اهتمامهم؟
Each of us has a part to play
in this great play we call life
لكل واحد منا دور لابد أن يلعبه
في هذه المسرحية التي نسميها الحياة
Each of us has a duty to mankind
to tell our friends we love them
على كل واحد منا واجب للإنسانية
وهو أن نخبر أصدقائنا بأننا نحبهم
If you do not care about your friends
you will not be punished
إذا كنت لا تهتم لأمر أصدقائك, فلن يعاقبك احد
You will simply be ignored… forgotten… as you have done to others
لكن سيتجاهلونك و ينسونك بكل بساطة تماما كما فعلت بالآخرين
قصيدة عن الام
Let me tell you about my mother i love,
She is an angel, sent by God from above!
She touches the hearts and the souls within,
Draws true smiles and wipes any fake grin!
She brings love and peace when there is hatred and war!
She brings back faith when it wont come back anymore!
She is a blessing brought to us, a bliss from the God!
She is truely priceless, More than I can ever afford!
She is a great Queen, to whom we should all bow!
God made me her prince! And here is my promised vow!
I promise to believe in what she believes in and take care!
I promise to truely respect her !
God, please bless her, and watch over my MOTHER
mothers are everything
without our moms’ love
we will never get through this life
thier care
thier unconditional love
thier support
is the fuel for us to go and try
thanx bro for sharing
See u when i See u
Mothers day poem
She’s My angel
She’s the nearest thing to heaven
She’s my angel From above
She’s the reason I was born
She’s my Mother
and I’ll **** for her diseare
forgtting my own and her needs will come before
I’ll never forget
what she did for me
and that’s for sure
who could ever love my mother more
thank you very much
العفو هذا واجبي
مرحبا بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييز اريد حل تمارين كتاب السنة الثالثة متوسط . صفحة 120….. 121 من فضلكم ماتبخلونيش بااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااي:m ad::confus ed::EmpPac k3_8::EmpPack3 _8:
بدي حلول تمارين صفحة ***1635;***1634; السنة الثانية متوسط بليييييييييز
انا اسفة رانا في file2
i will try to help
!!!???help mi please
اريد مصطلحات التاريخ و الجغرافيل للسنة2 ثانوي لكم الاجر عند الله تعالى