اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط 4AM




I need a biography about Harun elrashid in English

رد: Emergency

اليك السيرة الذاتية له ارجوا ان افيدك .

Abbasi Caliph Harun Ar-Rashid is v, and of the most famous and greatest ingeniously and Arabs. He ****d in

Iraq and sentenced between 786 and 809 m. and Aaron bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim ibn Abd Manaf. Born (about 763 m-24 March 809 m). Bamboo Bint عطاء‎ mother. More ingeniously controversy during his reign, it was more like a State successors and invaded the Abasiyah and interest in science and scientists, and knew that the Caliph that Hajj, invades, and considered his golden age of Islamic Arabic civilization.

Died in Rabi 193 e, approved April 4, 809 m, after serving in succession more than three years ago, this period is considered the golden age of Abbasiyah. Even today, his grave is unknown
From say famous/the cloud once said: (go where you want your tax would he), meaning your Zakat due Baitulmal I have. This indication of State capacity and attained the height of its Abbasiyah in his time. He stayed in succession more than three to 20 years in State aide

رد: Emergency

thank you very much khaola
iwill never forget that
thank you so much

رد: Emergency

merci beaucoup

رد: Emergency

No thanks on duty. And hopefully don’t be shy in asking anything.

*** Conciliation ***

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