اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط 3AM

مساعدة من فضلكم

مساعدة من فضلكم


السلام عليكم ارجوا من الاخوة الكرام ان تعطوني حل لهذا التمرين ص22 في مادة اللغة الانجليزية
use the clues below to write an application letter for membership in a sports club . use and.but.because

رد: مساعدة من فضلكم

واش من السنة

رد: مساعدة من فضلكم

السنة الثالثة متوسط

اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط 3AM

ارجو المساعدة حاليا

ارجو المساعدة حاليا


اريد مساعدة بخصوص تمارين الانجليزية صفحة 84 85 و86 please

رد: ارجو المساعدة حاليا

آسفة زهرة أنا أدرس الأولى ثانوي

رد: ارجو المساعدة حاليا

شكرا كنزة على تواصلك معي

رد: ارجو المساعدة حاليا

ولا احد يعرف الحلللللللللول

رد: ارجو المساعدة حاليا

وشبيكم راخلكم الريزو

رد: ارجو المساعدة حاليا

نسيتوا القراية في العطلة وقت التحواس دوك ولا راني غالطة

اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط 3AM

ارجوكم ياعضاء مسسااا عدة بلييييييز

ارجوكم ياعضاء مسسااا عدة بلييييييز


اريد حل للتمرين رايت اكسبرسيون صفحة 87 كنت غائبة يوم اعطتهم الاستاذة التمرين لم افهم اي شيئ منه مسااااعدة:EmpP ack3_8::EmpPac k3_8::EmpPack3 _8:

رد: ارجوكم ياعضاء مسسااا عدة بلييييييز

ردووووود مافي ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

رد: ارجوكم ياعضاء مسسااا عدة بلييييييز

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته

من فضلك ضعي لنا نص السؤال حتى نتمكن من مساعدتك إن كان في استطاعتنا

موفقة بإذن الله

رد: ارجوكم ياعضاء مسسااا عدة بلييييييز

فات الاوان شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا:l augh24::laugh2 4::la ugh24:

اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط 3AM

Teacher’s book 3rd AM

Teacher’s book 3rd AM


Teacher’s book 3rd AM


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اسم الملف نوع الملف حجم الملف التحميل مرات التحميل
ANGLAIS.pdf‏  991.8 كيلوبايت المشاهدات 1293

رد: Teacher’s book 3rd AM

[thank youuuuuuuu

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رد: Teacher’s book 3rd AM

شكرا جزيلا

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رد: Teacher’s book 3rd AM

thank you veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy……………………. ……… much

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رد: Teacher’s book 3rd AM

شكرا لك هذا الكتاب


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رد: Teacher’s book 3rd AM

thank you so so so mush!!!!!

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رد: Teacher’s book 3rd AM

thank U very much for the effort

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رد: Teacher’s book 3rd AM

matoktchi ndirahe basseh ma3liche montada fihe bazaf swalahe

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رد: Teacher’s book 3rd AM

شكرا على تعبك

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رد: Teacher’s book 3rd AM

mais ama page tebda les repnses ta3 les exercices please???

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اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط 3AM




reorder the words to get correct sentences
………………………………………….. …………………….

رد: exercice

put your bag under your seat ;please

رد: exercice

Put your bag under your seat ;plaes

رد: exercice

I mean please

رد: exercice

put your bag under your seat , please
أتمنى أن أكون قد ساعدتك

رد: exercice

please.put your bag under your site

good luck…….e

رد: exercice

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrc iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

رد: exercice

thanks a lot.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

رد: exercice


اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط 3AM

Easy way to learn the Irregular verbs

Easy way to learn the Irregular verbs


Easy way to learn the Irregular verbs

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اسم الملف نوع الملف حجم الملف التحميل مرات التحميل
Verbs-irregular.zip‏  300.0 كيلوبايت المشاهدات 432

رد: Easy way to learn the Irregular verbs

***1575;***1608;***1583; ***1575;***1606; ***1575;***1588;***1575;***1585;***1603;

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اسم الملف نوع الملف حجم الملف التحميل مرات التحميل
Verbs-irregular.zip‏  300.0 كيلوبايت المشاهدات 432

رد: Easy way to learn the Irregular verbs

***1571;***1585;***1610;***1583; ***1575;***1604;***1605;***1586;***1610;***1583; ***1608;***1575;***1604;***1605;***1586;***1610;***1583; ***1605;***1606; ***1575;***1604;***1602;***1608;***1575;***1593;***1583; ***1571;***1603;***1585;***1605;***1603;***1605; ***1575;***1604;***1604;***1607;

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Verbs-irregular.zip‏  300.0 كيلوبايت المشاهدات 432

رد: Easy way to learn the Irregular verbs

thank you
you are very generous

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Verbs-irregular.zip‏  300.0 كيلوبايت المشاهدات 432

رد: Easy way to learn the Irregular verbs

thank youuuuuuuuuu

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اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط 3AM

ارجوكم ساعدونييييييييييييييي

ارجوكم ساعدونييييييييييييييي


مرحبا اصدقائي كيف حالكم هلا ساعدتموني؟
اريد فقرة بالانجليزية عما يجب علينا فعله/ وما لا يجب فعله في القسم للتوضيح (must/musn’t) واش فهمتوني غادية نمدلكم مثال اوكي
ex/ In the class i must respect teachers
في القس يجب علي ان احترم اساتذتي
اوك فهمتوني دروق اريد فقرة هاكا must /musn’t

عاونوني يرحم والديكم قبل غدوة لعشية بليززززززززززززززززززززززززززززززززززززززز

واجركم على الله تعالى اوك باييييييييييييييييييي زمع السلامة

رد: ارجوكم ساعدونييييييييييييييي

انا انتظركم لا تتاخروا

رد: ارجوكم ساعدونييييييييييييييي

in the class.I must stay polite . I mustn’t be rude with teachers and my fiends .I must listen while the teacher explain the lesson ..I also have to help my friends ……I mustn’t talk a lot ….. maybe it’s difficult but that ‘s make me special .anyway I always try to be the best.
تفضلي اختي آمل ان تعجبك

رد: ارجوكم ساعدونييييييييييييييي

pupls must join the classssss
chiledren have wear pinifers
pupls musnit stay in classroms

اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط 3AM

قصة العبادلة باللغة الانجليزية

قصة العبادلة باللغة الانجليزية


( Wirth and Abdullah Abdullah does not inherit and Abdullah inherits )
It is a very fascinating story , which is not inherit ? ? ? ? ?

Rumored that there was a tribe known as the
The tribe of Bani hex
So named relative to the members of this tribe
Characterized by knowledge and science and sharp intellect

Emerged from this tribe big man wise
Radiates from the face of science and light
He was among the three sons of Sheikh
He called all of the same name , namely : ( Abdullah )
This is the wisdom known only to God , then this wise man

The days passed and came to the Sheikh died
This was the Sheikh has written a will for his children which he says:

( Abdullah inherits , and Abdullah does not inherit , and Abdullah inherits )

Having read the brothers and their father will have fallen into the perplexed
Because they did not know who is the one who does not inherit them
After counseling, the question they were told to go to a judge
Known for his wit and wisdom , and it was this judge ****
In a remote village , so they decided to go to him

On their way there they found a man looking for something
The man said to them : Have you ever seen a camel ? ?

– Abdullah said : Is it a one-eyed ? The man said: Yes

– Abdullah II said : Is it Oqtab tail ? The man said: Yes

Surface on the man they saw the owner of the camel
They described the sentences and accurate description
Rejoiced and said : Do you have seen ?
They said, no, we have not seen , surprised man
How did not see him have called him?

The man said to them : You Sergtamoh
Otherwise, how do you know descriptions
They said: No, God did not Nsergh
The man said: Sastkikm judge
They said, we’re going to him , Come with us

They went all the judge
When they arrived to the judge and explain each case
He said to them : Go now and rested
You Tabon of long travel
The judge ordered his servant to give them a feast lunch
He ordered another server to watch them while eating lunch
During the lunch happened next :

Abdullah said : The woman who prepared lunch holder

Said Abdullah II : This is the meat we eat
*** Meat and goat meat is not

Abdullah said the third : The judge bastard

The server , which cost monitoring
Has heard everything from three A’badleh

On the second day the judge asked the server about what happened
While watching the Ebadlh and the owner of the camel

Said server : The one woman who said that they were prepared lunch holder
The judge went to the woman and asked her whether pregnant or not.
After a long denial of women and the insistence of the judge
The woman admitted that she was pregnant
Judge surprised how he knew she was pregnant and he did not never seen

The judge then returned to the server and said : What did the other?

Said server : the second said that the meat that Okloh lunch
Beef *** was not goat meat
The judge went to the man who commissioned slaughter
He said to him : What Zbanh yesterday?
Slaughter said : he slaughtered a goat
But the judge knew that he was lying Butcher
Insisted upon to tell the truth
To be admitted as a butcher slaughter ***
Because he did not find the slaughter of sheep or similar
Judge puzzled about how he knew A’badleh
That the meat that was Okloh meat ***
They did not see the carcass except for lunch

The judge then returned to the server
At the head spin several questions
A’badleh asked him if he had said something ?
Said server : No they did not say anything

Judge distrusted the server because he saw signs of confusion on the server
Seemed clear cut on the face of a server
The judge insisted on the server to tell the truth
After a long and obstinacy by the server
Server said to the judge :
Abdullah said that the third you bastard

Judge collapsed
After thinking long and decided to go to his mother to ask her
About his real father
At first I was surprised by the mother of her son’s question and answer
They hide the truth and said :
You are my son , your father who now bears his name

However, the judge was highly intelligent distrusted in the words of his mother
He repeated her question, but the mother did not change her answer
After crying long insistence of the parties and the largest of the judge
In order to know the truth
Mother subjected to the wishes of her son and said to him:
Son that another man had their weight

The judge was shot shocked , how to be a bastard ?
And did not know how to do so by

The more difficult question , how did you know A’badleh this?

And then collect the three A’badleh judge and the owner of the camel
For consideration in the case of sentences in the case of wills
Asked Judge Abdullah : How do you know that the one-eyed camel ?

He said: because the sentences cecum often eat by eye
Which sees her and do not eat the food you put him in the side
Which can not be seen and I ‘ve seen the place , which was lost in the sentences
The effects of a place to eat camel and concluded that the camel was a one-eyed .

Then the judge asked Abdullah II said:
How do you know that the camel was Oqtab tail ?

Abdullah II said :

The sound of the strings that usually drives the tail right and left
During ejected for residue produced from that Bar
Be fragmented in the ground
However, I have not seen it in a place that lost the sentences
On the contrary , I saw that the Bar is tossing Vostantjt
The camel was Oqtab tail

Finally, the judge asked Abdullah latter saying :
How do you know that the camel was lame
Abdullah said the third :
I saw it from the effects of the camel sandals on the ground
Vastantjt that the camel was lame

After the judge listened to what they said convinced Ebadlh
He said to his camel to go out
After what is known as a matter of fact

After the departure of the owner of the sentences the judge said Abadelh :
How did you know that the woman who prepared the food for you
She was pregnant ?

Abdullah said :

Because bread for lunch , which was presented by the thick
The senior from the other side
That does not happen unless there is what hinders women
Access it Kalptun great result for pregnancy
In doing so , I knew that the woman was pregnant

Then the judge asked Abdullah II said:
How do you know that the meat that was Okltamoh meat *** ?

Abdullah II said :

The lamb , goat, camel and cow
All of which are in the following order :
( Grease then flesh then bone )
As the *** shall be in the following order :
( Meat and fat , and bone )
So I knew that meat ***

Then came the role of the third Abdullah
The judge waits for the moment, the judge said :

How do you know I bastard ?

Abdullah said the third :
Because you sent people spying on us
In this capacity are usually
In people who were born of adultery

The judge said :

( Do not know son , but the son of adultery )

Then he shouted :
You are the person who does not inherit from among your brothers because you
Son of a bitch

– Third Abdullah said : Is it lame ? The man said: Yes

اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط 3AM

Yearly Distribution for the 3rd MS

Yearly Distribution for the 3rd MS


It’s my propre work hope you like it friends

it’s Attached

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رد: Yearly Distribution for the 3rd MS

شكرا لك اخي و جعله في مزان حسناتك

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رد: Yearly Distribution for the 3rd MS

أشكرك جزيل الشكر و جزاك الله خيرا

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اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الثالثة متوسط 3AM

The objectives of teaching English in the 3rd MS

The objectives of teaching English in the 3rd MS


You can donwload this e-book through the following link

Click here to download


رد: The objectives of teaching English in the 3rd MS

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته الله يخليكن من فضلك قم بتعليمي استعمال المنتدى وشكرا

رد: The objectives of teaching English in the 3rd MS


رد: The objectives of teaching English in the 3rd MS

شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااااااااااااااااا

رد: The objectives of teaching English in the 3rd MS

there’s no link to download bro header
check it please

رد: The objectives of teaching English in the 3rd MS

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