اللغة الانجليزية للشعب العلمية

اريد مساعدة في بحث حول التلوث في الانجليزية

اريد مساعدة في بحث حول التلوث في الانجليزية


السلام عليكم
اريد مساعدتكم في مشروع حول التلوث في مادة الانجليزية
و مطلوب هو : مقدمة حول التلوث المائي و الهوائي و الارضي . تعريف التلوث بصفة عامة . الاسبابه . الاخطاره الناجمة . الحلول القترحة . الخاتمة
و شكرااااااااااااااااااااا مسبقا

رد: اريد مساعدة في بحث حول التلوث في الانجليزية

State of the environment today in this wide world, it has spread diseases and many children died because of environmental pollution.
– The definition of pollution

He knew where the pollution in different ways: that the pollution is to put the material in place is appropriate or that pollution of the environment (intentional or unintentional) human excrement ..
There are some definitions the most detailed and accurate, such as the definition Holstr and Portoz who customarily pollution comprehensive definition by defining the contaminant, Valmlut is a substance or effect leads to a change in the rate of growth of species in the environment contrary to the food chain to enter toxins in or contrary to the health or comfort or with the values ***8203;***8203;of society.
And the intervention of pollutants to the environment in the article by significant amounts in the form of waste and trash or output side of the industries or certain activities of man and involves pollution in the habit of dissipation of energy (thermal, sound or vibration) In general, the pollution damage functions of the class dynamic (Biosphere) that surround the globe. .. These can be summarized damages as follows:

1 – damage to human health through pollution of air, soil, food, chemicals and other radioactive.

2 – damage to crops and plants, water, soil and animals.

3 – damage to the aesthetic aspects of the environment such as smoke, dust, noise, waste and garbage.

4 – the damage does not appear, but their impact in the long run, but having a cumulative effect, such as cancers (substances that cause cancer), radioactive materials and noise.

Types of pollution:

1 – food contamination:

Resulted in overuse of fertilizers and agricultural pesticides cause many adverse health and economic food consumed by humans, and grew up as a result of food contamination.

2 – Air Pollution:

Place of air pollution from sources different and that may be normal or of the various activities of man, Vatabieih such as storms, thunder and rain, earthquakes and floods. And contribute to human largest part in the incidence of air pollution by sewage, waste and industrial waste, agricultural, medical and oil and petroleum products, pesticides and fertilizers, radioactive materials , and this leads many to inflict damage to the ecosystem.

3 – water pollution:

Come down to the water to the earth in the form of pure, free from germs microbial or other pollutants, but the result of the evolution of massive industrial experience for many of the problems, which converts it to the water unfit for drinking and human consumption. And more examples of pollution rainwater as released by the factories of the fumes and gases, As a result, created the so-called acid rain. As contaminated water in many different pollutants Vilut for example Residues sanitation and various chemical detergents and some mineral elements such as lead, mercury, nitrate, phosphate and chlorine and oil.

4 – radioactive contamination:

Cause rights in air pollution is different from the pollutants known as a radioactive contamination, which is at present the most serious environmental pollutants. May show the impact of this pollution are quick and sudden on the organism, as it may take a long time to appear in future generations, and since World War II and so far able to present human use of radioactive materials in the production of the most dangerous nuclear and hydrogen bombs.

5 – metal pollution:

The problem of pollution, toxic mineral elements for the time being of the most important problems facing the professionals in the field of environment, so as to be of serious health damage to human health. This problem has been exacerbated as a result of rapid development in various industrial fields, for example, the proportion of carbon monoxide in the air. The element of lead have been observed consistently increased as a result of combustion of several fuel vehicles.

6 – Noise:

Increase the intensity of noise in our contemporary world significantly, no longer confined to cities big and industrial areas, but reached the rural areas, and a person can make noise due to construction of roads for cars and modern railways, aircraft, farm machinery and industry. Also did not hand over houses from noise after he mocked the human all means of modern technology for the welfare of radio, television and cleaning and cooking tools, etc., in other words, the noise has invaded shelters the few remaining silent in the world. And perhaps even the end of this century will not find a man to a place still exists to turn to if he wants to escape to a quiet spot.

There are many other types of pollutants that are not counted in the world.

Pollution Damage:

A – Air Pollution: shares of air pollution in the spread of many germs that cause diseases to people, including: the influenza epidemic of deadly spread rapidly in the environment, and anthrax and plague, cholera, smallpox and fever, also spoke of cases of poisoning of the human person as a result of the effects of harmful compounds Volatile arsenic as a result of microbial activity of some fungal species, and greatly affected the ozone layer and destroy it.

B – water pollution: the most important health damage water pollution residues sanitation are several pathogens, such as some species bacterial and fungal and viral diseases. And lead contamination of the water to a poisoning of marine organisms, and become part of the oil into small balls eat up by fish, thus impacting directly on the food chain, and lead contamination of water micro-organisms to the occurrence of many diseases such as typhoid fever, polio virus, as well as parasites.

C – Radioactive contamination: the most important diseases of human exposure due to radiation appear red skin or blackening of the eye, as it happens atrophy in the cells of the bone marrow and crash in the germ cells, also show some effects at a late stage of human life such as leukemia, white and thyroid cancer thyroid and lung cancer, and leads to a decrease in white blood cells and intestinal infections and exceed the risks for up to plants, fish and birds, leading to the disruption of the ecological balance, and damage to the food chain.

D – noise: influence of noise in the cerebral cortex and lead to a decrease in activity, and leads to provoke anxiety and discomfort of procedure and the tension and confusion and lack of harmony and compatibility of health, and lead to high blood pressure and pain in the head and ringing in the ear, allergy, fatigue, rapid, and suffer from the sleep of others quiet and disturbing dreams and partial loss of appetite as well as a feeling of malaise and depression and this is reflected in the ability to work and production, also affect the cardiovascular system and cause irregular heartbeats and high blood pressure and narrowing of the arteries and increase in heart rate as well as tension and insomnia severe.

Means of dealing with pollution:

A – Air pollution:

1 – Since the sulfur primarily responsible for sulfur oxides pollution, we must be fully extracted by Because this procedure is costly,
Exists in the fuel, coal and oil used in the industry, it is recommended reducing the rate of its existence.

2 – reduction of gases and particles released from the factory chimneys as waste chemical methods of production, creating an air-tight, and are advised to use various means to collect particles and gases such as the use of chemical and electrostatic precipitators for combustion equipment and towers and the use of filters.

3 – Search for an alternative source of energy which does not use fuel prestidigitator of large quantities of lead or sulfur, and possibly natural gas is less polluting sources of thermal energy.

4 – periodic disclosure on the vehicles used and the exclusion of the damaged ones.

5 – improvements and modifications in the design of car engines.

6 – to continue the program of large-scale afforestation around major cities.

7 – the agreement with the manufacturer of the vehicle is placed so that the device reduces these emissions, prior to initiation of import cars.

B – water pollution:

1 – Setting the exact specifications of the vessels allowed to enter the Persian Gulf in relation to waste, regardless oils, and blaming them for the rules which protect the sea.

2 – control pollution of sea water on a regular basis, especially near Bmbbat discharge from factories.

3 – the establishment of marine reserves on the shore of Persian Gulf, and in areas with more accurate marine organisms living in the world.

4 – For the oil pollution using various means, including: – the use of solvents of Chemical deposition of oil in the bottom of the sea or ocean. Used this method in the case of oil spills in large quantities near the beaches and the fear of the risk of fire.

5 – With regard to health, the sewage would be required not to throw this in the bodies of marine water before treatment.

C – Noise:

1 – set limits for the maximum of the noise from cars and types allowed in the streets of cities, as is the case in some developed countries.

2 – Application of the system of granting a certificate of aircraft noise new.

3 – taking into account the establishment of new airports, especially for supersonic aircraft away from the urban space is sufficient.

4 – not granting licenses to factories that export to the noise held within residential areas, and there are industrial zones outside the cities.

5 – to take care of planting, especially in the busy streets means of transportation, as well as to increase the area of ***8203;***8203;gardens and public parks within cities.

D – soil contamination:

1 – expansion in the cultivation of trees around the fields and on the banks of lakes, canals and drains and farm roads.

-2 Must be patient in the use of agricultural pesticides considerable deliberation.

3 – adequate study must be done before expanding the use of chemical fertilizers of all kinds.

-4 Care must study the problems of irrigation and drainage, which has significant implications in the case of agricultural soils.


The air purification and maintenance of pollution raises the morale of the people and the people. And Holstr Portoz who customarily and comprehensive definition of pollution through the definition of pollutant. Water pollution and lead to a poisoning of marine organisms also cause water pollution micro-organisms to the occurrence of many diseases for health, the sewage would be required not to throw this in the bodies of marine water before treatment. And metal pollution is one of the most important problems faced by professionals in the field of the environment because they are critical to the health damage human health. And the intervention of pollutants to the environment in the material in the form of significant quantities of waste and trash.

رد: اريد مساعدة في بحث حول التلوث في الانجليزية

بااااااااااااااااااااااااااااارك الله فيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييك

رد: اريد مساعدة في بحث حول التلوث في الانجليزية

the problem facing the word in these years is problem of pollution caused mostly because the person who pollutes the environment , through the smoke of factories and cut the trees and throw dirt in places allocated to them in addition to throwing a cigarette burning forests and the pollution of water that may be suitable for drinking later
and all this pollution remains a humain because person is the first victim of the result as the incidence of cancer
-if we continue to pollute our water ,we will die the first But if we stop traffic pollution ,the air will be cleaner . .

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