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ارجوكم اريد حل تمارين ص 58و59 كاملة وشكراااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا:Emp Pack3_8:

رد: مساعدة!!!!

ممكن يساعدك هدا

"Picture one represents a robot maid and a robot student .It illustrates the following sentences :"They will be able to make robot maids ,which will do house cleaning .They may be able to invent robot students to do your homework while you just lie in your bed listening to music ."
"Picture two shows a robot cook .It illustrates the following sentences : "I ‘m sure scientists will be able to invent robot cooks , which you can instruct to prepare your breakfast in the morning ."
"Picture three illustrates the following sentences : "They might even invent robot mechanics , which will repair broken robots ":
[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/azeddine/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/04/clip_image001.gif[/IMG] [COLOR=o****]100%[/COLOR]_ [COLOR=o****]Scientists will be able to invent robot cooks.[/COLOR]
80% They will be able to make robot maids.
60%_ They may be able to invent robot students.
40%_ They might even invent robot mechanics
[COLOR=o****] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=o****]20% _ _________________________ [/COLOR]
It is impossible for robots to be man’s rivals.
[IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/azeddine/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/04/clip_image002.gif[/IMG] 0%

a) Someday people will be able to do their shopping by computer.
b) Scientist won’t be able to invent a computer which can read your mind soon.
c) In the future all children may well study at home using the computer .

Scientists will be able to make a vaccine against cancer in the future .

رد: مساعدة!!!!

شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا يا مرام96

رد: مساعدة!!!!

العفو وجدت هده الفقرة ايضا

Space News
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is on its way to making new advances in the conquest of space.
NASA scientist will be able to make a new types of spaceship soon. This spaceship will be more powerful than those which the NASA has made so far .The future astronauts may well be a new generation of robots .This new generation of robots astronauts might be able to go on missions of exploration to Mars. They may be able to communicate with NASA specialists in the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida because they can speak English .According a NASA director , these astronauts robots will be able carry with them another robot ,Hyperion. Hyperion can work 24 hours a day because it runs with solar energy .Hyperion will be able to find continuous sunlight in the polar regions of the planet Mars. It will be able to run over rocks and to take clearer pictures than we already have of the red planet .

رد: مساعدة!!!!

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu[]

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