أريد فقرة بالإنجليزية عن كاليفورنيا لكن يجب توظيف التالي .
full name , capital city , other important cities, covernor, U.S bordering states , bordering ocean, bordering country, population, famous valley ,famous bridge, famous observatory, famous cinima city , famous tree
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California (Listeni/***716;k***230;l***601;***712;f***596;rnj***601;/) is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. It is by far the most populous U.S. state,[15] and the third most extensive (after Alaska and Texas). It is home to the nation’s 2nd and 6th largest census statistical areas (Greater Los Angeles area and San Francisco Bay Area, respectively), and eight of the nation’s 50 most populated cities (Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacramento, Long Beach and Oakland).[16] The capital city is Sacramento
The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the opening of the San Francisco Bay into the Pacific Ocean. As part of both U.S. Route 101 and California State Route 1, the structure links the city of San Francisco, on the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula, to Marin County. It is one of the most internationally recognized symbols of San Francisco, California, and the United States. It has been declared one of the Wonders of the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers.[7] The Frommers travel guide considers the Golden Gate Bridge "possibly the most beautiful, certainly the most photographed, bridge in the world".[8]
other important cities
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