اريد بحث في الانجليزية صفحة 161 حول منتوج غير بالبيئة
ارجوووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووكم احتاجه سريعااااااااااااااا
اختكم الهااااااااااام
وييييينكم؟؟ انا في الانتظاااااااااااااار
اختي الهام انتي في اي سنة تقراي
1 ثانوي……………….
السلام عليكم لم افهم قصدك بالتحدد هل بحث يتناول البيئة بصفة عامة ,,,او منتوج يراعي الجانب البيئي …بارك الله فيك كم عدد الصفحات بالتحديد يمكن لن مساعدتك اختي
منتوج يراعي الجانب البيئي هذا هو المطلوب عدد الصفحات كيما تحب تقدر حتى 2 يكفي ارجوك احتاجه غدا
1 – eco-friendly clothing
Is the clothes eco-friendly and one of the best promotional materials that can be provided to the consumer, is made up clothing Environmental usually of organic materials or recycled again, making it environmentally safe, while maintaining the earth’s resources, precious, and must be that the consumer is proud to wear such clothing-friendly environment such as These shirts are as the default duration it is longer than the other T-shirts and increase the number of times wear a shirt if you want, in addition to the durability of those T-shirts more than others and when it is put a label on your shirt become a declaration of moving to this type of goods, so the products Green received a great demand for other products.
2 – eco-friendly bags
We have lots and lots of different types of bags to choose from, and it serves all purposes, and when it comes to launch a new type of bags to compete with those bags that already exist must take into account that the filling consumer needs and requirements of comfort to him, where the individual can place all of its objectives, in addition to the appearance good to those facts eco-friendly, if entered a shop to buy a bag and you have a choice will be preference for those bags eco-friendly without doubt whether the appearance of elegant or capacity, all in addition to being environmentally friendly and are made of components and materials recycled again.
3 – pencils eco-friendly
This new class of tools that are used every day, everyone uses pens either to take down some notes in the work, or write some notes, and this is a great opportunity to exploit this need and put pens eco-friendly, they are made of 75 percent of newspapers recycled recycling again, to maintain environment, and can those pens that move with you inside the wallet or your pockets, and charming people the beauty of these pens for their appearance and elegant aesthetic touch color different of them as well as maintain the environment by recycling these papers non-useful and use them again for the manufacture of those pens.
Not those products are the only environmentally friendly, but there are many, many green products, eco-friendly, all of these products help to maintain the trend towards helping the environment to be a clean and pure, and those ideas are to rotate things again for use in other industries, and reduce the proportion of surplus and waste that harm the environment.
بطبيعة تخصصي البيئة عندي بعض الكتب الورقية ومحاضرات للاساتذتي لكنها بالعربية والفرنسية فقط
شكراااااااااااااا جزيلا اخي بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله خيراااااااااااااا