اللغة الانجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط 4AM

ساعدوني ارجوكم

ساعدوني ارجوكم


السلام عليكم اريد فقرات بالانجليزية فيما يخص هده المواضيع للتحضير للامتحان
1 حقوق الطفل
2 صديقك جاء عنده ضيف واحترق له العشاء مادا تتفعل لو كنت في مكانه باستعمال if i were you
3شاهدت حادث مرور صفه
4 لديك مشكل في اختيار الشعبة اكتب رسالة لاحد اقربائك تطلب مساعدته agony letter
5 مادا تفعل لو اصبحت غنيا
ارجوكم انا اريد ان احفظهم قد يكون احدهم في الامتحان و شكرا

رد: ساعدوني ارجوكم

هذا عن حقوق الطفل :

Enable the child to have a happy childhood and enjoy them, and be protected from all sides and has the rights which he has a happy life, the good and the good of society, namely the following:First: -The child shall enjoy all rights set forth in this Declaration. Every child, without exception, the right to enjoy these rights, without distinction or discrimination because of their color, sex, religion, or national or social origin, property, birth or other status, whether for himself or for his family.Second: -The child shall enjoy special protection and give him opportunities and facilities to develop physically, mentally, morally, spiritually and socially in a healthy and normal manner in an atmosphere of freedom and dignity.Third: -Since the birth of the child has the right to have a name and a nationality.Fourth: -The child shall enjoy the benefits of social security and to be eligible for the proper growth of health. And to this end, we must be informed and his mother is the special care and protection necessary before and after childbirth. The child has the right to adequate food, shelter, recreation and medical services.Fifth: – shall be given the disabled child is physically, mentally or socially Almgosai treatment, education and care required by his condition.

رد: ساعدوني ارجوكم

Rights of the Child are:
First –
The child shall enjoy all rights set forth in this Declaration. Every child, without exception, the right to enjoy these rights, without distinction or discrimination because of their color, sex, religion, or national or social origin, property, birth or other status, whether for himself or for his family.
Second: –
The child shall enjoy special protection and give him opportunities and facilities to develop physically, mentally, morally, spiritually and socially in a healthy and normal manner in an atmosphere of freedom and .
Fourth: –
The child shall enjoy the benefits of social security and to be eligible for the proper growth of health. And to this end, we must be informed and his mother is the special care and protection necessary before and after childbirth. The child has the right to adequate food, shelter, recreation and medical services.
Fifth: – shall be given the disabled child is physically, mentally or socially Almgosai treatment, education and care required by his condition.
The child, for his personality to the sound of love and understanding. Therefore must be growing up under the auspices of his parents and under their responsibility, in an atmosphere of affection and of moral and material security is only permitted in certain circumstances, separate the child from his mother. And must be on society and public authorities to provide special care for children deprived of family and to those without adequate means to

رد: ساعدوني ارجوكم

اذا كان غير مرتب ارجو قول هذا

رد: ساعدوني ارجوكم

الاولى افضل

رد: ساعدوني ارجوكم

عندي اقتراح افضل اكتبي الموضوع باللغة العربية ثم ترجميه

رد: ساعدوني ارجوكم

مثلا ماذا بفعلين انت لو اصبحت غنية اكتبيه بالعربية ثم ترجميه الى الانجليزية

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