شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2015

موقع الجزائر بالانجليزية

موقع الجزائر بالانجليزية


Algeria is located in north-central West Africa, between longitudes 9
West of Greenwich and 12 east and between latitudes 19 and 37 north. An area of 2381741 km 2,
North-south extension of 1,900 km, while the east-west extension, ranged
Between 1200 km coast line and 1800 on the line of Ghadames Tindouf. It takes several countries in Algeria
It is because of the wide area of the East: bordered by Tunisia and Libya
West, the Kingdom of Morocco and the South: Niger, Mali, Mauritania
On the north by the Mediterranean coast 1200 km long.

رد: موقع الجزائر بالانجليزية

…جـزيل الشكـر حتـى أنـا راني مستحقـاتـو

رد: موقع الجزائر بالانجليزية

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